seamless api for developing bots that run on multiple platforms. discord, telegram and twitch are supported
works with asyncio
learn more in the sections below or docs
install the base library:
pip install wiring
then choose extra dependencies for platforms that you want your bot to run on
pip install wiring[discord] wiring[telegram]
import asyncio
from wiring import (Bot, MultiPlatformMessage, MultiPlatformBot, MultiPlatformUser,
from wiring.platforms.discord import DiscordBot
from wiring.platforms.telegram import TelegramBot
DISCORD_TOKEN = 'place your token here or better load it from enviroment variables'
TELEGRAM_TOKEN = 'place your token here or better load it from enviroment variables'
async def send_commands_list(bot: Bot, message: MultiPlatformMessage,
args: list[str]):
commands_list = '\n'.join(['/' + str( for command
in bot.commands])
await bot.send_message(,
'available commands:\n' + commands_list,
async def start_bots():
bot = MultiPlatformBot()
bot.platform_bots = [
async with bot:
await bot.setup_commands([
Command('help', send_commands_list)
# blocks the execution
await bot.listen_to_events()