Tags: crunchytech/Quick
Quick v4 has been released! 🎉 The new major version requires Swift 5.… …2 / Xcode 11.4 at least. - Bump minimum iOS version to 9.0 Quick#1013 - Rename `master` branch to `main` Quick#1052 - [CI] Test Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3 Quick#1010 - Set ENABLE_TESTING_SEARCH_PATHS to YES Quick#1011 - Upgrade Project Format to Xcode 11.4-compatible Quick#1012 (Thanks @mRs-) - [CI] Use rake directly instead of travis-script-macos Quick#1019 - Update Nimble to 9.0.0 Quick#1020 - Xcode 12.0: Update to recommended settings Quick#1021 - Address deprecation warnings in Xcode 12 Quick#1040 - Migrate Linux CI from Travis to GitHub Actions Quick#1042 - [CI] Use norionomura/swift Docker images for Linux CI Quick#1043 - [SwiftLint] Enable yoda_condition rule Quick#1044 - [CI] Use the official Swift Docker images Quick#1049 - [CI] Split ci.yml into dedicated workflows Quick#1050 - Tweak CI workflows regarding fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions and matrix testing Quick#1051 - `vieiwDidAppear` not be called automatically in iOS SDK 13.0 Quick#942 (Thanks @nickm01) - Create dependabot.yml Quick#1000 - Bump cocoapods Quick#1001, Quick#1026, Quick#1035 - Bump danger Quick#1002, Quick#1009, Quick#1022, Quick#1024, Quick#1036 - Bump kramdown from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 Quick#1004 - [Dangerfile] Avoid passing a bot account name to github.api.organization_member Quick#1005 - Bump norio-nomura/action-swiftlint from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1 Quick#1031
- Support ARM based Macs (Apple Silicon) Quick#1017, Quick#1039
- Add [email protected] to bump minimum iOS version for SwiftPM… … users Quick#1037 - Update Nimble to 9.0.0 Quick#1037
Quick v3 has been released! 🎉 The new major version requires Swift 5.… …2 / Xcode 11.4 at least. - Bump Swift requirement to 5.2 (Xcode 11.4 or later) Quick#986 - `it`/`fit`/`xit` closures are now marked as `throws`, so you can throw `Error`s and the test fails if they do throw Quick#680 (Thanks @marcelofabri) - ``` it("should fail") { try throwingFunc() } ``` - Parallelize CI builds more (Take 2) Quick#987 - Update Nimble to 9.0.0-rc.1 Quick#988 - Delegate `recordFailure` to `QuickSpec.current` Quick#990
- [refactoring] Build examples only for classes without root example … …group Quick#922 (Thanks @VojtaStavik) - [CI] Test device builds Quick#924 - [CI] Fix GitHub Actions breakage and restore Travis build matrix for older Xcode versions Quick#937 - [CI] Run tests with newer Xcode and Swift versions Quick#947 - Update Nimble Quick#955, Quick#965, Quick#982 - Enable module stability Quick#957 - [CI] Use norio-nomura/action-swiftlint for running SwiftLint Quick#960 - Tweak CI Quick#966, Quick#979 - [SwiftLint] Enable type_name rule Quick#967 - [SwiftLint] Enable identifier_name rule Quick#968 - [SwiftLint] Enable function_body_length rule Quick#969 - [SwiftLint] Enable line_length rule Quick#970 - `bundle update --bundler` && `bundle update` Quick#971 - Fix test target dependencies Quick#972 - Separate a test target for the regression test for Quick#853 to mimic the situation in https://github.com/gzafra/QuickCrashTest Quick#973 - [SwiftLint] Set trailing_comma's mandatory_comma option to true Quick#974 - [CocoaPods] Use modular headers Quick#977 - Remove unnecessary TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET build setting in Quick-iOS target Quick#978 - [CI] Suppress warnings on SwiftPM tests Quick#981 - Rename QuickSpecBase module to QuickObjCRuntime for SwiftPM on Darwin Quick#984 - Added empty default flags to xdescribe and xcontext Quick#944 (Thanks @pobengtsson) - Fixes race conditions in QuickConfiguration Quick#952 (Thanks @anton-plebanovich) - Update the Objective-C QuickSpec template to use modules (semantic import) Quick#953 (Thanks @KeithMorning) - Fix to support indirect subclasses of QuickConfiguration Quick#975 - Fix focus behavior Quick#980 - Fix typo in Configuration.swift for "Mulitple" Quick#927 (Thanks @denniszxxc) - Fix typo in GitHub issue template Quick#930 (Thanks @revolter) - Fix typos in Contributing documentation file Quick#931 (Thanks @revolter) - Migration swift 4.0 or later for Shared Examples. Quick#946 (Thanks @kanari3) - Fix sample code in SharedExamples.md Quick#948 - Fix Xcode documentation link of how to create xcworkspace Quick#954
- Make `name` variable of `Behavior` open Quick#906 (Thanks @VojtaStavik ) - [podspec] Use swift_versions DSL if available Quick#919 - Remove unnecessary `!SWIFT_PACKAGE` compile condition Quick#866 - [refactoring] Re-implement qck_enumerateSubclasses in Swift Quick#867 - [refactoring][QuickSpec.swift] Use `World.performWithCurrentExampleGroup` Quick#868 -⚠️ Re-enable danger 🙀 Quick#869 - [refactoring] Remove _QuickSelectorWrapper and use String instead Quick#870 - [refactoring] Reduce uses of AnyClass, replace them with QuickSpec.Type where possible Quick#871 - Refactor configuring QuickConfiguration subclasses Quick#876 - [refactoring] Convert some global variables into World's states Quick#877 - [refactoring] Remove unnecessary `!SWIFT_PACKAGE` conditions Quick#878 - Run additional test suites in a separate World instance (only with Xcode for now) Quick#879 - Merge SpecRunner implementation into single file Quick#881 - Run additional test suites in a separate World instance for SwiftPM on Darwin Quick#882 - Implement `qck_suspendObservation` on Linux Quick#883 - Run additional test suites in a separate World instance for SwiftPM on Linux Quick#884 - Re-implement SpecRunner on Linux using XCTestSuite Quick#885 - [CI] Test Swift 5.1 snapshots Quick#892 - [SwiftLint] Address reduce_boolean warnings Quick#897 - Update Nimble Quick#898, Quick#918 - [CI] Use GitHub Actions for macOS jobs Quick#915, Quick#921 - Fix a runtime crash when a subclass of QuickSpec is subclassed and the subclass has a Swift struct property Quick#873, Quick#901, Quick#916, Quick#917 (Thanks @ikesyo and @VojtaStavik) - Document support & installation via Accio Quick#851 (Thanks @Dschee) - Add documentation for `Behavior<Context>` Quick#905 (Thanks @VojtaStavik) - fix typo in SharedExamples.md Quick#913 (Thanks @akarsh)
- Support `QuickSpec.current` for SwiftPM builds as well, on both mac… …OS and Linux Quick#848, Quick#850 - `Package.swift` is updated for Swift 5, which adds the `platforms` setting ([SE-0236](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0236-package-manager-platform-deployment-settings.md)) Quick#843 (Thanks @devxoul) - Update CocoaPods to 1.7.0.beta.3 Quick#840, Quick#852 - Update .hound.yml Quick#844 - Update Nimble to 8.0.1 Quick#846 - Xcode 10.2: Update to recommended settings Quick#847 - Introduce FileString typealias which has been used in Nimble Quick#854 - Internal refactoring Quick#855, Quick#858, Quick#859, Quick#860, Quick#861, Quick#862, Quick#863, Quick#864, Quick#865 - [CI] Propagate xcodebuild errors correctly Quick#857