Hyperlane Token Bridge
You need to have 0.0035 $ETH on Base Mainnet and 0.002 $ETH on Zora Mainnet in your wallet from where u want to deploy bridge contract, But it only charge $1 from ur balance so overall cost will be about $1-$2
If you also want to interact with ur own bridge, you need to have any amt of $BRETT token on Base Mainnet in your wallet, u can swap from Uniswap
Use this command to deploy bridge contract
[ -f "hyperlane.sh" ] && rm hyperlane.sh; wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zunxbt/hyperlane-bridge/main/hyperlane.sh && chmod +x hyperlane.sh && ./hyperlane.sh
Interaction with your Bridge-Contract
Copy the last part from terminal as shown in the video
Then visit this website
Connect wallet in which u have $BRETT token
Select Base Chain in From field
Select Zora Mainnet in To Field
And do a bridge