Command line XML Schema 1.1 validator written in Java.
This JAR also contains Xerces2 Java with all of its dependencies.
You can run the JAR with the command java -jar xsd11-validator.jar to display usage information: usage: java hu.unideb.inf.validator.SchemaValidator -if | -iu [-sf | -su ] -if,--instanceFile read instance from the file specified -iu,--instanceUrl read instance from the URL specified -sf,--schemaFile read schema from the file specified -su,--schemaUrl read schema from the URL specified
You most provide an instance document to be validated using either the -if or the -iu option. (Option -if requires a file path as an argument, option -iu requires an URL.) Similarly, you can specify a schema document using either the -sf or -su option. The -sf and -su options are not mandatory, if they are omitted the value of the xsi:schemaLocation attribute is considered in the instance. The following is an example of how to use the program: java -jar xsd11-validator.jar -sf schema.xsd -if instance.xml