(All credit to Greg of https://icemining.ca for his excellent efforts)
Open Source Beam Pool Software w/ Guide DISCLAIMER: The Beam open source pool comes with no warranty and it is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure the functions and design of their own deployment, meet the required standards which a crypto-miner would expect to see in a mining pool. Where the code is complete in-as-much as the pool stratum, API and a barebones deployment of the GUI is functional and working, it is also the responsibility of the user to ensure that you have adept knowledge in pool systems.
The pool software is offered without a coin distribution function and this part is the sole responsibility of the user to add to the existing code. This part is deliberately omitted from the code to allow the user to determine which method payout they wish to utilise (PROP, PPS, PPLNS etc etc). By installing the pool software in this guide, you fully agree to these terms, and assure your prospective miners that you are able to create your own Beam distribution method.
My testing pool is at - you can see what you will get by navigating to this link.
If you want to make any kind of donation to me for my ongoing guides, please point a GPU to
All OK with that? then read on...
To begin compiling the Beam open source pool software, you will need to find a suitable VPS (Virtual Private Server) from a respectable hosting company. On the BEAM ACCEPTED HERE pages you can find a few who accept Beam for their services.
Once you have found a VPS, please log in as ROOT and you can start to set up the pool.
Firstly update your server.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Next, install the required dependencies to build and run the pool
sudo apt install python-dev build-essential libsodium-dev npm libboost-all-dev libboost-dev
You will also need to install NODEJS 10.x and MYSQL, separately from the above dependencies
sudo apt install curl
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt install -y mysql-server
Update & Upgrade again just to make sure all these are current releases.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Next, install REDIS SERVER
sudo apt-get install redis-server
and enable the REDIS service
sudo systemctl enable redis-server.service
This will then require a server reboot...
sudo reboot now
Once reboot is complete, log into your server again as root and install php-redis
sudo apt-get install php-redis
You are now ready to clone the repository which holds all the pool code!
git clone https://github.com/r45ku1/beam-pool.git
Go into the beam-pool folder and make sure it's up to date.
cd beam-pool
npm update
npm install
Now you need to configure your MYSQL Db's
cd /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/
nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
and edit the line as shown:
bind-address =
save the file.
You will now want to build the Beam node and Wallet which will link to the pool stratum, and amend your config files.
mkdir beam-node
cd beam-node
wget https://beam.mw/downloads/mainnet-linux (and use the node link )
tar -xvf beam-node-VERSION.tar.gz
wget https://beam.mw/downloads/mainnet-linux (and use the wallet link )
tar -xvf beam-wallet-VERSION.tar.gz
Make a subfolder named stratum_secrets
mkdir stratum_secrets
cd stratum_secrets
You will need to save into this folder, one stratum.crt (certificate) and one stratum.key (key). To do this navigate to
make a new file in your current directory
nano stratum.crt
Now copy & paste the contents of the page in your browser from the above link into that document you just created.
And same process with the navigation to
making the file in your current directory
nano stratum.key
And copy & paste the contents of this page in your browser from the above link into that document you just created.
You will now have one file stratum.key and one file stratum.crt in this folder. Go back up a level
cd ..
Next step will be to choose a password for the wallet and add it to your beam-wallet.cfg file. Open the beam-wallet.cfg file using a text editor
nano beam-wallet.cfg
and put your password at the command line:
Uncomment the line by removing the single # sign.
Also amend there:
Again, uncomment this line by removing the single # sign.Those are the only 2 configurations that must be done on beam-wallet.cfg Save the file and close it.
You can now initiate your Beam Pool wallet
./beam-wallet init
Save the output info in a safe place. This is your seed phrase and wallet default address, into which all mined coins from the pool, will be stored prior to distribution to your miners
You will also want to set that default address to never expire
./beam-wallet change_address_expiration --address=YOURDEFAULTWALLETADDRESS --expiration_time=never
Next you will need two keys to configure them the node. Please run the following command
./beam-wallet export_miner_key --subkey=1
./beam-wallet export_owner_key
Take the keys and put in the beam-node.cfg on the lines
Uncomment the line by removing the single # signs on each line. Now edit #password for keys in beam-node.cfg so that it matches #password for the wallet in beam-wallet.cfg - this is the password that you created previously.
Whilst still within a text editor in beam-node.cfg, locate each of the below lines and amend;
Open a new command line window which you are prepared to leave open (or screen -dmS it) all the time - this command window will contain the perpetual node connection. It is imperative that this process is never stopped. Navigate into your beam-node folder and start the node by typing;
Whilst allowing the node to synchronise and depending on your device firewall settings, you may need to “allow” it to open all the ports required to run the pool. Have a separate terminal window open for extra commands (these are all the hard-coded ports which the pool will utilise)
sudo ufw allow 10127
sudo ufw allow 8010
sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 1690
sudo ufw allow 3333
sudo ufw allow 6379
sudo ufw allow 6543
sudo ufw allow 3306
sudo ufw allow 666
Let the node synchronise with the network by downloading the Beam blockchain. This may take a while, depending on your connection speed. Once fully synchronised, you will see your Beam node collect the most up to date block height. Compare the node height with https://explorer.beam.mw/ and ensure it matches before continuing. The % will also show 100% in the node printout.
Once the node is fully synchronised, use a command line window which you are prepared to leave open all the time (or screen -dmS it). Navigate within the command line to your beam-node folder and type:
./beam-wallet listen
This enables the Beam pool wallet to perpetually listen at the Beam node. Now let's move onto your MYSQL database setup. Use an third-party software (such as sequelpro) to manage your schema tables. You will also need to create a MYSQL USER outside of ROOT to manage your Beam database (which we will create as follows...)
mysql -u root
CREATE USER 'newMYSQLuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MYSQLpassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'newMYSQLuser'@'localhost';
And confirm your new user has privileges
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'database_user'@'localhost';
Now in your MYSQL third party software (sequelpro or similar) create your tables within a new database 'beam'
CREATE TABLE `accounts` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`coinid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`username` varchar(96) DEFAULT NULL,
`ip` varchar(96) DEFAULT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `blocks` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`coinid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`reward` float DEFAULT NULL,
`time` int(18) DEFAULT NULL,
`userid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`workerid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`height` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`sharediff` float DEFAULT NULL,
`blockdiff` float DEFAULT NULL,
`confirmations` float DEFAULT NULL,
`difficulty` float DEFAULT NULL,
`blockhash` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`category` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`jobid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `workers` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`userid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`ip` varchar(96) DEFAULT NULL,
`name` varchar(96) DEFAULT NULL,
`difficulty` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`rigname` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`time` int(18) DEFAULT NULL,
Create a new folder for the API
mkdir beam-api
Navigate into that folder and install the Beam Explorer API. From the link at https://github.com/BeamMW/beam/releases find and identify the most recent version of the Beam Wallet API
wget https://github.com/BeamMW/beam/releases/download/APIVERSION.tar.gz
tar -xvf https://github.com/BeamMW/beam/releases/download/APIVERSION.tar.gz
edit the file wallet-api.cfg using nano and add the following flags
password for the wallet pass=YOURPASSWORD address of node node_addr= path to wallet file wallet_path=../beam-node/wallet.db
EDIT YOUR CONFIGURATION FILES LOCATION: beam-pool/config.json should be amended in the REDIS sections
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379,
"password": ""
and in the website section, to reflect the IP of the VPS upon which you are installing the pool (the below example is Raskul Beam Pool, please use your own IP, and port remains 8010).
"website": {
"enabled": true,
"host": "",
"port": 8010,
"stratumHost": "",
"stats": {
LOCATION beam-pool/pool_configs/beam.json amend to specify the path to your stratum.key and stratum.crt
}, "tlsOptions": { "enabled": true, "serverKey": "../stratum_secrets/stratum.key", "serverCert": "../stratum_secrets/stratum.crt", "ca": ""
and in the MYSQL section (mposMode section) this should reflect the newMYSQLuser and MYSQLpassword you created earlier
"mposMode": {
"enabled": true,
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "newMYSQLuser",
"password": "MYSQLpassword",
"database": "beam",
"checkPassword": false,
"autoCreateWorker": true
LOCATION beam-pool/libs/beam-blockconf.js amend const=api and the MYSQL pieces
const coinid = 2423; const coin_symbol = 'BEAM'; const confirmations = 240; const api = ''; module.exports = async function() { const connection = await mysql.createConnection({ host: '', user: 'newMYSQLuser', password: 'MYSQLpassword', database: 'beam',
LOCATION beam-pool/libs/stats.js amend the MYSQLconnection here;
async function setupMysqlConnection() { this.connection = await mysql.createConnection({ host: '', user: 'newMYSQLuser', password: 'MYSQLpassword', database: 'beam',
From the web page at https://github.com/BeamMW/beam/releases find the most recent version of the Linux Explorer Node
wget https://github.com/BeamMW/beam/releases/download/EXPLORER-NODE.tar.gz
tar -xvf EXPLORER-NODE.tar.gz
And amend the configuration file within this folder as follows
nano explorer-node.cfg
Peer address to point the local api server to
peer address
port to start the local api server on
owner key from wallet steps
password for owner key
Give your server a quick reboot
sudo reboot now
Once powered up and logged in, make sure you have your node 100% synch and screen it, buy going into beam-node folder and using the following command:
screen -dmS NODE ./beam-node
Navigate into your beam-explorer folder and run the API using. the following command:
screen -dmS API ./explorer-node
Set up your wallet listener from within the beam-node folder:
screen -dmS LISTEN ./beam-wallet listen -n YOURSERVERIP:10127
From within the beam-pool folder, run the command as follows;
screen -dmS POOL node init.js
Your (very basic) pool GUI will then be publicly accessible from
It is now your own responsibility to add in a payment distribution mechanism, and tidy up your GUI to report all the sections you want to show, we have done most of the work, so as previously mentioned, you need to do the rest.
Again, with massive thanks to Greg of https://www.icemining.ca for his brilliant work in making all of this possible. Released with no warranty and no support assistance.