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A path logging and visualization tool for Dwarf Fortress

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pathViz was born at the crossroads of data science, game development, and complex simulation algorithms.

Its primary goal is to provide an accessible tool for analyzing dwarven path activity in Dwarf Fortress. The purpose is to improve overall understanding of dwarf activity within the context of a player's unique fort structure.

pathViz provides both a CLI & GUI, for preference

main_screenshot A visual generated by pathViz, overlaid with the game screen, using the first year of a new fort as the subject

gui_screenshot A screenshot of the updated pathViz GUI

Related resources include:

  • DFHack/devel/unit-path - a script located at devel/unit-paths in DFHack that visualizes the internal path of a selected dwarf, using the in-game GUI


Install Python 3.10.11

  1. Check the box Add python.exe to system PATH at the bottom
  2. Then hit Install Now

Verify the correct version of Python is installed by opening Terminal and running the code below. Then, verify its output is Python 3.10.11.

# running this
python -V

Once the correct version of Python is installed, download the latest release of pathViz here. Make sure the location you download it to isn't within OneDrive or a cloud directory.

A Simple setup is provided below for those with minimal-no programming experience. Otherwise, see Full.


Simple setup provides the quickest way to get pathViz up and running. However, it only supports GUI interaction. See Full for CLI usage.

Screenshots of the setup process can be found here.

Un-zip the file, then right-click on the folder and select Open in Terminal.

In the Terminal, run


If running ./pathViz.ps1 does not work:
Please put in an Issue -> Bug Report, or DM me directly via Reddit

Once pathViz's dependencies are done installing, the GUI should automatically start within a new browser window/tab. Follow the GUI instructions to complete setup, and see below for Usage.


Full setup will allow usage with both the CLI & GUI modules, but requires prior experience navigating the command-line and editing scripts.

Un-zip the pathViz archive and start installing its dependencies:

# make sure you're in the pathViz directory
cd <path_to_pathViz>/pathViz

# install pipenv to manage Python packages + venv
pip install pipenv

# install dependencies with pipenv
pipenv install

# finally, start the pipenv virtual environment
pipenv shell

Locate the .env file and see comments below:

# locate the system path to your Dwarf Fortress
# game directory, then set DF_PATH to the system path
# for example...
EXAMPLE_DF_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dwarf Fortress"

# optional variables specifying the directory
# names pathViz will use to write data

If you are planning on using the GUI, make sure to install the NPM packages as well

# go into the GUI app and install node packages
cd gui
npm install

# return to the root directory
cd ..

The GUI can then be accessed at any time via


To verify your setup, try to load some log data (which shouldn't exist yet)

python load

Locate your DF directory that you provided in the .env file, then go to .../Dwarf Fortress/hack/scripts and check that logPaths.lua exists.

To verify further... open logPaths.lua and ensure...

// default
local filePrefix = ""

// is updated to (using default directory names)...
local filePrefix = "C:\\<path_to_pathViz>\\data\\logs\\"

See below for Usage.


Once pathViz is setup, workflow mainly revolves around:

  • telling pathViz to start or stop logging paths
  • doing something with the path data, depending on the mode selected

Start logging paths

If your game client was running during the setup process... In your game client, open the DFHack console by pressing ctrl-shift-p, then run the lua code below to rescan all DFHack scripts

:lua require('script-manager').reload()

When logPaths is enabled, it will immediately log all active paths in-game, then continue to log them once every 7 days in-game.

  • enable or disable the logPaths script by running enable logPaths or disable logPaths from the DFHack console, respectively.
  • Check whether the logPaths script is enabled by running logPaths at any time from the DFHack console.


If using the CLI, help can be viewed at any time via python --help.


load parses and logs each log file's path data to the current snapshot.

  • A snapshot is a collection of paths, grouped by the in-game date in which they were logged.
CLI Usage
python load


viz analyses existing path data and generates a visual depending on the passed options.

  • Currently, the GUI only supports default visuals, so there are no options to pass.
  • By default, the generated visual groups paths by the week in which they were logged.
CLI Usage

Available options:

  • --g: group paths by Path Goal (the activity associated with the individual path)
  • --c: generate K-Means clusters for each snapshot.
    • K-Means clustering is useful in evaulating the overall 'similarity' of paths between logs. Each group will contain a cluster which represents the "estimated central point" of each log's paths.
  • --heat: generate a heatmap, highlighting areas which are most likely to contain high path density.
  • --limit: limit the number of logs used when generating a visual; Default: 0.
  • --orient: orient the logs limitation, where top is the earliest log recorded and btm is the latest; Default: btm.
  • --saved: specify whether to include all saved & current snapshots, or just current. By default, only the current snapshot is included.
# generate a visual,
# limit to 10 logs,
# starting from the earliest log
python viz --limit 10 --orient top

# generate a visual
# limit to 5 logs,
# starting from the latest log,
# and generate clusters
python viz --limit 5 --orient btm --c


stats analyses existing path data and generates some key metrics.

  • When run through the GUI, the returned stats are saved as individual files in the output/ folder.
CLI Usage

Available options:

  • --limit: limit the number of logs used when generating stats; Default: 0.
  • --orient: orient the logs limitation, where top is the earliest log recorded and btm is the latest; Default: btm.
  • --saved: specify whether to include all saved & current snapshots, or just current. By default, only the current snapshot is included.
# generate some stats
python stats

pathViz Stats
'Total avg dist travelled: 20.1'

           avg_dist         common_goal
001000625     12.57  SeekItemForStorage
001000704     20.00           StoreItem
001000711     27.71  SeekItemForStorage

'Most common goal: SeekItemForStorage'

SeekItemForStorage     28.27
StoreItem              15.00
StartGiveFoodWater     11.00
WorkAtBuilding          5.00
SeekEatingChair2        0.00



snapshot provides a way to subset your path data by moving it to its own unique directory. This is mostly useful when you have logged a series of paths and would like to separate them from a new, incoming series (i.e. comparing time periods).

  • If DATA_DIR was not changed from the default value, each snapshot will be located at data/<snapshot_name>/.
    • The directory contains files representing this snapshot's path data (both .csv & .json).
  • Once a snapshot is made, the log files will need to be manually relocated, if you don't want them considered when running load next.
CLI Usage
python snapshot


clear wipes the current snapshot from memory.

  • It does not remove path log files.
    • This means that if you would like to delete any recorded paths, you will have to do so manually by deleting the file containing them located in data/logs/
CLI Usage
python clear


newFort_y1 A top-down perspective

newFort_y1_3d A skewed, 3D perspective for scale

newFort_y1_zoomed A zoomed-in, 3D perspective. We can see overall fort structure beginning to form.

newFort_y1_heat A view demonstrating the heatmap functionality

newFort_y1_clusters A view demonstrating clustering through K Means


Current Roadmap

pathViz is a passion project, but I do aim to provide updates depending on community feedback and how quickly new feature concepts form.

Feel free to contribute, or reach out with any questions/ideas.