Auto-GPT Public
Forked from Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPTAn experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 1, 2023 -
react-native-firebase Public
Forked from invertase/react-native-firebase🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.
JavaScript Other UpdatedMay 1, 2020 -
analytics-ruby Public
Forked from segmentio/analytics-rubyThe hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any Ruby application.
Ruby UpdatedSep 10, 2015 -
paperclip-imgix Public
Forked from imgix/paperclip-imgixPaperclip plugin to integrate with Imgix
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2014 -
turbolinks Public
Forked from turbolinks/turbolinks-classicTurbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset Pipeline)
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 19, 2014 -
jquery-infinite-pages Public
Forked from magoosh/jquery-infinite-pagesSimple infinitely scrolling pages for jQuery, gemified for Rails
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2014 -
doorkeeper Public
Forked from doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 6, 2014 -
sanction Public
Forked from redinger/sanctionA role based permissions authorization system for Ruby on Rails.
spree Public
Forked from spree/spreeSpree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.
spree-guides Public
Forked from spree/spree-guidesOfficial Spree Documentaion
Ruby Other UpdatedSep 19, 2012 -
spree_gateway Public
Forked from spree/spree_gatewayCommunity maintained collection of gateways for use in Spree
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 18, 2012 -
spree-heroku Public
Forked from biow0lf/spree-herokuThis works with Rails >= 3.1.3 and Spree >= 1.0.0, S3 credentials stored in the config/s3.yml
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 15, 2012 -
IContact-API Public
Forked from olbrich/IContact-APIa thin ruby wrapper around the iContact API
Ruby UpdatedAug 23, 2012 -
url2png-gem Public
Forked from hoetmaaiers/url2png-gemA ruby gem for the url2png screenshot service API
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 19, 2012 -
google-drive-ruby Public
Forked from gimite/google-drive-rubyA Ruby library to read/write files/spreadsheets in Google Drive/Docs.
Ruby UpdatedAug 9, 2012 -
node-cloudservers Public
Forked from nodejitsu/node-cloudserversA client implementation for Rackspace CloudServers in node.js
redis-store Public
Forked from redis-store/redis-storeNamespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks
request Public
Forked from request/requestSimplified HTTP request client.
node-soupselect Public
Forked from harryf/node-soupselectPort of Simon Willison's Soup Select (for BeautifulSoup) to node.js and node-htmlparser
node-htmlparser Public
Forked from tautologistics/node-htmlparserForgiving HTML/XML/RSS Parser in JS for *both* Node and Browsers
node.io Public
Forked from node-js-libs/node.ioA data scraping and processing framework
errbit Public
Forked from errbit/errbitThe open source error catcher that's Hoptoad API compliant
Library for accessing S3 objects and buckets, supports EU and US buckets
acts_as_api Public
Forked from fabrik42/acts_as_apimakes creating XML/JSON responses in Rails 3 easy and fun
rubber Public
Forked from rubber/rubberA capistrano/rails plugin that makes it easy to deploy/manage/scale to EC2
roadie Public
Forked from purify/mail_styleMaking HTML emails comfortable for the Rails rockstars
workflow Public
Forked from geekq/workflowLike acts as state machine (aasm), but _way_ better (it's in Ruby too!)
paperclip Public
Forked from thoughtbot/paperclipEasy file attachment management for ActiveRecord