DGIST 대구경북과학기술원
- 대구광역시 달성군 현풍읍 테크노중앙대로 333
(UTC +09:00) - https://sites.google.com/view/cscarinci
minimal-emacs.d - Better Emacs Defaults and Faster Startup
Emacs configuration for authors who research, write and publish articles, books and websites.
Template for website with org-mode with stylesheets and multiple file hierarchy.
My bespoke, multipurpose class; designed for general use in LaTeX documents.
My LaTeX projects (classes, packages and more)!
Commented templates for CVs, homework, lecture notes, presentations, research papers, and essays, with commands for math/statistics symbols
Set of files to create a latex document from orgmode
A simple LaTeX resume template for org-mode
Mirror of https://git.tecosaur.net/tec/LaTeX-auto-activating-snippets
Neovim Preconfiguration for LaTeX
My infrastructure managed by Nix Flakes and Chezmoi are here
A flake for customizing Sway, a tiling Wayland compositor, with Nix. Includes configurations for Waybar, Wob, Blueman, and session variables, providing a cohesive and personalized Sway experience.
NixOS flake to boot into I3wm (x11), Sway or Hyprland (Wayland)
An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs *and* Vim!
A sensible base Emacs configuration.