Hello, and welcome to my base level ESX server. Please let me know what you think. I can be reached at [email protected].
Manually download the latest FiveM server binaries from:
Extract the contents to a 'server' directory.
Login to the Steam API key access portal where you can generate a Steam API key https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
replace the key on line 9 in server.cfg
set steam_webApiKey "87688E3EE9A373BA28C48A7AE8F8B0C5"
Don't worry. That one's already revoked :)
Create a FiveM account https://forum.fivem.net
login to the FiveM Keymaster portal and generate a server key https://keymaster.fivem.net/
replace the key on line 11 in server.cfg
sv_licenseKey "16qiq5pzd25xrkfckfma8nordms8ot2n"
mysql -u ADMINUSER -p < schema/run.sql
In the root of the project folder
Command Prompt
C:\PATH\TO\DIRECTORY\server\run.cmd +exec server.cfg
/PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/server/run.cmd +exec server.cfg