OpenStack / OpenShift diff tool
This tool collects OpenStack/OpenShift service configurations, compares configuration files, makes a diff and creates a report to the user in order to provide informations and warnings after a migration from OpenStack to OpenStack on OpenShift migration.
Before running the Pull command you need to configure the ssh access to your environements (OpenStack and OCP). Edit the ssh.config provided with this project and make sure you can ssh on your hosts with the command:
ssh -F ssh.config crc
ssh -F ssh.config standalone
Also you need to provide the full path of your ssh.config in the ansible.cfg file, example:
ssh_args = -F /home/foo/os-diff/ssh.config
When everything is setup correctly you can tweak the ansible vars for each services you want to analyze:
▾ roles/
▾ collect_config/
▾ vars/
You can add your own service according to the following:
# Service name
# Bool to enable/disable a service (not implemented yet)
enable: true
# Pod name, in both OCP and podman context.
# It could be strict match with strict_pod_name_match set to true
# or by default it will just grep the podman and work with all the pods
# which matched with pod_name.
pod_name: keystone
# Path of the config files you want to analyze.
# It could be whatever path you want:
# /etc/<service_name> or /etc or /usr/share/<something> or even /
# @TODO: need to implement loop over path to support multiple paths such as:
# - /etc
# - /usr/share
path: /etc/keystone
# In podman context, when you want to pull specific files:
# You need to set pull_items to true
- keystone.conf
- logging.conf
An Ansible hosts file is provided at the root of this repository and the ansible.cfg. You might want to edit the hosts file to stick to your environment. Those file are required for collecting the configuration files from the pods or the containers (OCP and Podman).
▾ playbooks/
Those playbooks can call with the Go binary or directly with Ansible. It call one Ansible role:
▾ roles/
▾ collect_config/
▾ tasks/
Once everything is correctly setup you can start to pull configuration:
# install dependencies
make install
# build os-diff
make build
# run pull configuration for TripleO standalone:
./os-diff pull --cloud_engine=podman --inventory=$PWD/hosts
# run pull configuration for OCP:
./os-diff pull --cloud_engine=ocp --inventory=$PWD/hosts
# You can also use the playbooks directly:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/collect_ocp_config.yaml
Once you have collected all the data per services you need, you can start to run comparison between
your two source directories.
A results file is written at the root of this project results.log
and a *.diff file is created for each
file where a difference has been detected
# with this kind of content:
Source file path: /tmp/collect_crc_configs/nova/nova-api-0/etc/nova/nova.conf, difference with: /tmp/collect_crc_configs/nova/nova-cell0-conductor-0/etc/nova/nova.conf
-transport_url=rabbit://default_user_pVPGFkYMWTdSarUSog9:[email protected]:5672
The log INFO/WARN and ERROR will be print to the console as well so you can have colored info regarding the current file processing. Run the compare command:
./os-diff compare --origin=/tmp/collect_tripleo_configs --destination=/tmp/collect_crc_configs
diff command compare file to file only and ouput a diff with color on the console. Example for Yaml file:
./os-diff diff -o tests/podman/key.yaml -d tests/ocp/key.yaml
Source file path: tests/podman/key.yaml, difference with: tests/ocp/key.yaml
@@ line: 8
+ pod_name: foo
@@ line: 2
- pod_name: keystone
Example for ini config file:
./os-diff diff -o /tmp/collect_ocp_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf -d /tmp/collect_tripleo_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf
Source file path: /tmp/collect_ocp_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf, difference with: /tmp/collect_tripleo_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf
-transport_url=rabbit://guest:[email protected]:5672/?ssl=0
-connection=mysql+pymysql://keystone:[email protected]/keystone?read_default_file=/etc/my.cnf.d/tripleo.cnf&read_default_group=tripleo
When you prepare the adoption of your TripleO cloud to your OpenShift cluster, you might want to compare and verify if the config describe in your OpenShift config desc file has no difference with your Tripleo service config or even, want to verify that after patching the OpenShift config, the service is correctly configured.
The service command allow you to compare Yaml OpenShift config patch with OpenStack Ini configuration file from your services. You can also query OpenShift pods to check if the configuration are well set.
enabled: true
databaseInstance: openstack
containerImage: foo
customServiceConfig: |
store_description=Ceph glance store backend.
Run service command:
./os-diff service -s glance -o examples/glance/glance.patch -c /tmp/glance.conf
Source file path: examples/glance/glance.patch, difference with: /tmp/glance.conf
-store_description=Ceph glance store backend.
Run comparison against the deployed pod:
./os-diff service -s glance -o examples/glance/glance.patch -c /etc/glance/glance-api.conf \
--frompod -p glance-external-api-678c6c79d7-24t7t
Source file path: examples/glance/glance.patch, difference with: /etc/glance/glance-api.conf
-store_description=Ceph glance store backend.
If you want to add a new OpenStack service to this tool follow those instructions:
- Convert your OpenShift configmap to a GO struct with:
- Create a .go file into pkg/servicecfg/
- Paste your generated structure and the following code:
package servicecfg
import (
type YourServiceName struct {
Spec struct {
YourServiceName struct {
Template: {
CustomServiceConfig string `yaml:"customServiceConfig"`
func LoadYourServiceNameOpenShiftConfig(configPath string) string {
var sb strings.Builder
var yourService YourService
yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configPath)
if err != nil {
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &yourService)
if err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(yourService.Spec.YourServiceName.Template.CustomServiceConfig, "[") {
return cleanIniSections(sb.String())
- The function
is made to extract the configmap Ini parameters for your OpenStack service. All the config parameters you want to extract should be declare here.
- Improve reporting (console, debug and log file with general report)
- Improve diff output for json and yaml
- Improve Makefile entry with for example: make compare
- Add a skip list (skip /etc/keystone/fernet-keys )
- Add interactive and edit mode to ask for editing the config for the user when a difference has been found