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OpenStack/OpenShift diff tool

This tool collects OpenStack/OpenShift service configurations, compares configuration files, makes a diff and creates a report to the user in order to provide information and warnings after a migration from OpenStack to OpenStack on OpenShift migration.


Setup your environment

Setup Ssh access

In order to allow os-diff to connect to your clouds and pull files from the services you describe in the config.yaml file you need to properly set the option in the os-diff.cfg:




ssh_cmd=ssh -F ssh.config



The ssh_cmd will be used by os-diff to access your TripleO Undercloud/Director host via SSH, or the host where your cloud is accessible and the podman/docker binary is installed and allowed to interract with the running containers. This option could have different form:

ssh_cmd=ssh -F ssh.config standalone
ssh_cmd=ssh -F ssh.config

or without an SSH config file:

ssh_cmd=ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected]


ssh_cmd=ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa stack@

Note that the result of ssh_cmd + director_host should be a "successful ssh access".

Generate ssh.config file from inventory or hosts file

os-diff can use an ssh.config file for getting access to your TripleO/OSP environment. A command can help you to generate this SSH config file from your Ansible inventory (like tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml file):

os-diff configure -i tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml -o ssh.config --yaml

The ssh.config file will look like this (for a Standalone deployment):

Host standalone
  HostName standalone
  User root
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Host undercloud
  HostName undercloud
  User root
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Note: You will have to set the IdentityFile key in the file in order to get full working acces:

Host standalone
  HostName standalone
  User root
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Host undercloud
  HostName undercloud
  User root
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Non-standard services settings

It's important to correctly configure an SSH config file or equivalent for non standard services such as OVS. The ovs_external_ids is not a service which runs in a container and the ovs data is stored on each host of our cloud: controller_1/controller_2/...

The hosts key in the config.yaml will allow os-diff to loop over all hosts specified the output of the command, or the file or data that you need to pull from our deployment in order to compare it later:

            - ovs_external_ids.json
            - standalone

The service_command is the command which provides the required information. It could be a simple cat from a config file. cat_output should be set to true if you want os-diff to get the output of the command and store the output in a file specified by the key path

Then you can provide a mapping between in this case the EDPM CRD, and the ovs-vsctl output with config_mapping

        service_command: 'ovs-vsctl list Open_vSwitch . | grep external_ids | awk -F '': '' ''{ print $2; }'''
        cat_output: true
            ovn-bridge: edpm_ovn_bridge
            ovn-bridge-mappings: edpm_ovn_bridge_mappings
            ovn-encap-type: edpm_ovn_encap_type
            ovn-monitor-all: ovn_monitor_all
            ovn-ofctrl-wait-before-clear: edpm_ovn_ofctrl_wait_before_clear
            ovn-remote-probe-interval: edpm_ovn_remote_probe_interval

Then you can use this command to compare the values:

os-diff diff ovs_external_ids.json edpm.crd --crd --service ovs_external_ids

Pull configuration step

Before running the Pull command you need to configure the SSH access to your environments (OpenStack and OCP). Edit os-diff.cfg and/or the ssh.config provided with this project and make sure you can SSH to your hosts without password or host key verification, refer to the section below for more informations.

When everything is setup correctly you can tweak the config.yaml file at the root of the project which will contain the description of the services you want to extract configuration from:


You can ask os-diff to automaticaly fill the config.yaml from your TripleO/OSP environment:

os-diff pull --update-only # will update your config.yaml but it won't pull the config

os-diff pull --update      # will update the config.yaml and pull the configuration

You can add your own service(s) according to the following:

  # Service name
    # Bool to enable/disable a service (not implemented yet)
    enable: true
    # Pod name, in both OCP and podman context.
    # It could be strict match or will only just grep the podman_name
    # and work with all the pods which matched with pod_name.
    # To enable/disable use strict_pod_name_match: true/false
    podman_name: keystone
    pod_name: keystone
    container_name: keystone-api
    # pod options
    # strict match for getting pod id in TripleO and podman context
    strict_pod_name_match: false
    # Path of the config files you want to analyze.
    # It could be whatever path you want:
    # /etc/<service_name> or /etc or /usr/share/<something> or even /
    # @TODO: need to implement loop over path to support multiple paths such as:
    # - /etc
    # - /usr/share
      - /etc/
      - /etc/keystone
      - /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
      - /etc/keystone/logging.conf
      - standalone
    service_command: "ovs-vsctl list Open_vSwitch . | grep external_ids | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }'"
    cat_output: true
      - ovs_external_ids.json
      ovn-bridge-mappings: edpm_ovn_bridge_mappings
      ovn-bridge: edpm_ovn_bridge
      ovn-encap-type: edpm_ovn_encap_type
      ovn-monitor-all: ovn_monitor_all
      ovn-remote-probe-interval: edpm_ovn_remote_probe_interval
      ovn-ofctrl-wait-before-clear: edpm_ovn_ofctrl_wait_before_clear

Note that ovs_external_idsis a non-standard service. This service is not an Openstack service executed in a container, so the description and the behavior is different. You can refer to the section bellow for the non-standard configuration. OVS is an example, but you can simply add whatever your want to check on all your nodes.

Lets take the example of checking the /etc/yum.conf on every hosts, you will have to put this statement in the config.yaml, lets call it yum_config

      - undercloud
      - controller_1
      - compute_1
      - compute_2
    service_command: "cat /etc/yum.conf"
    cat_output: true
      - yum.conf

Then when you will execute the pull command, you will get the content of your yum.conf file:

os-diff pull

ls /tmp/tripleo/yum_config/undercloud/yum.conf

# Make the diff with your yum.conf file:
os-diff diff /tmp/tripleo/yum_config/undercloud/yum.conf /etc/yum.conf
Source file path: /tmp/tripleo/yum_config/undercloud/yum.conf, difference with: /etc/yum.conf

Build os-diff

Once everything is correctly setup you can start to pull configuration:

# You will need to install Golang before building
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
# Build os-diff
make build
# Run pull configuration for TripleO standalone, by default the environment is TripleO/Openstack
os-diff pull
# Add --update if you want to update your config.yaml file.
os-diff pull --update

# Note that you can also pull configuration from Openshift Openstack operators if you have already deployed and adopted your cloud.
# It could be useful to post check your configurations:
os-diff pull -e ocp -o /tmp/myconfigdir -s my-service-config-file

Note: The CLI arguments take precedence on the configuration file values.

Compare configuration files steps

os-diff provides multiple ways to compare files and directories. You can compare:

  • file vs file
  • directory vs directory (and sub directories)
  • file vs CRD (Openshift custom resource definition)
  • file from a running container vs file
  • file from a running pod vs file
  • do remote diff
  • configmap vs file

Simple file diff

File comparison is the simplest way to use os-diff:

os-diff diff tripleo/keystone.conf ocp/keystone.conf

Directory diff

Directory comparison and sub directory:

os-diff diff tripleo ocp

A results file is written at the root of this project, results.log, and a *.diff file is created for each file where a difference has been detected


# with this kind of content:
Source file path: /tmp/collect_crc_configs/nova/nova-api-0/etc/nova/nova.conf, difference with: /tmp/collect_crc_configs/nova/nova-cell0-conductor-0/etc/nova/nova.conf
-transport_url=rabbit://default_user_pVPGFkYMWTdSarUSog9:[email protected]:5672

The log INFO/WARN and ERROR will be print to the console as well so you can have colored info regarding the current file processing.

File Vs CRDs

For file comparison with a CRD, you have to provide the --crd option. The name of the service might be needed if the service is described in the config.yaml previously configured, with a config mapping:

os-diff diff  examples/glance/glance.conf examples/glance/glance.patch --crd

# With a config mapping in config.yaml:
os-diff diff ovs_external_ids.json edpm.crd --crd --service ovs_external_ids

Where the edpm.crd may look like this:

kind: OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
  name: openstack
    ansibleSSHPrivateKeySecret: dataplane-adoption-secret
    managementNetwork: ctlplane
        edpm_ovn_bridge_mappings: ['datacentre:br-ctlplane']
        edpm_ovn_bridge: br-int

Diff from a running container or pod

To be fixed...

Diff from remote

For remote diff, you need to provide the --remote option in the CLI and then provide a remote command which will be used by the tool to get the config and perform the diff:

Note that this option will be simplified in the future.

CMD2="ssh -F ssh.config standalone podman exec ff2d8edc25b6"
os-diff diff examples/glance/glance-api.conf /etc/glance/glance-api.conf --file2-cmd "$CMD2" --remote

Diff from a configmap

os-diff can query the OpenShift configmap in order to perform diff between a provided file and a config file stored in the configmap:

os-diff cfgmap-diff --configmap keystone-config-data --config /tmp/collect_tripleo_configs/keystone/etc/keystone

# From a file:
os-diff cfgmap-diff --configmap keystone-config-data.yaml --config /tmp/collect_tripleo_configs/keystone/etc/keystone

# Or from a remote container:
CMD1="ssh -F ssh.config standalone podman exec a6e1ca049eee"
os-diff cfgmap-diff --configmap keystone-config-data --config /etc/keystone --remote --remode-cmd $CMD


diff command compares file to file only and ouput a diff with color on the console. Example for YAML file:

os-diff diff tests/podman/key.yaml tests/ocp/key.yaml
Source file path: tests/podman/key.yaml, difference with: tests/ocp/key.yaml
@@ line: 8
+    pod_name: foo
@@ line: 2
-    pod_name: keystone

Example for ini config file:

 ./os-diff diff /tmp/collect_ocp_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf /tmp/collect_tripleo_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf
Source file path: /tmp/collect_ocp_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf, difference with: /tmp/collect_tripleo_configs/keystone/etc/keystone/keystone.conf
-transport_url=rabbit://guest:[email protected]:5672/?ssl=0
-connection=mysql+pymysql://keystone:[email protected]/keystone?read_default_file=/etc/my.cnf.d/tripleo.cnf&read_default_group=tripleo

OpenShift Pod config comparison

When you prepare the adoption of your TripleO cloud to your OpenShift cluster, you might want to compare and verify if the config described in your OpenShift config desc file has no difference with your TripleO service config or even, want to verify that after patching the OpenShift config, the service is correctly configured.

The service command allow you to compare YAML OpenShift config patch with OpenStack Ini configuration file from your services. You can also query OpenShift pods to check if the configuration is correct.


    enabled: true
      databaseInstance: openstack
      containerImage: foo
      customServiceConfig: |
        store_description=Ceph glance store backend.

Run service command:

./os-diff cdiff /tmp/glance.conf  examples/glance/glance.patch --crd
Source file path: examples/glance/glance.patch, difference with: /tmp/glance.conf
-store_description=Ceph glance store backend.

CRD Generation from configuration file

os-diff can generate CRD file from a given configuration file with the following command:

os-diff gen --service glance --config my-conf.ini --output glance.patch
YAML file generated:  glance.patch

Note that the service (Glance in this example), must be implemented in the servicecfg package in os-diff.

Add service

If you want to add a new OpenStack service to this tool follow these instructions:

  • Convert your OpenShift configmap to a GO struct with:
  • Create a .go file into pkg/servicecfg/
  • Paste your generated structure and the following code:
package servicecfg

import (


type YourServiceName struct {
	Spec struct {
		YourServiceName struct {
      Template: {
        CustomServiceConfig string `yaml:"customServiceConfig"`

Asciinema demo


  • Improve reporting (console, debug and log file with general report)
  • Improve diff output for json and yaml
  • Improve Makefile entry with for example: make compare
  • Add a skip list (skip /etc/keystone/fernet-keys )
  • Add interactive and edit mode to ask for editing the config for the user when a difference has been found