Source code of "Deep Rank Hashing Network for Cancellable Face Identification"
Endowing rotation invariance for 3D finger shape and vein verification
This is the official repository of "LFMB-3DFB: A Large-scale Finger Multi-Biometric Database and Benchmark for 3D Finger Biometrics".
Demonstration of FusionNet for touchless palmprint and finger texture recognition. Based on the source code for the 2019 IEEE CIVEMSA paper "Touchless palmprint and finger texture recognition: A De…
Source code for the 2019 IEEE CIVEMSA paper "Touchless palmprint and finger texture recognition: A Deep Learning fusion approach"
Source code for the 2019 IEEE TIFS paper "PalmNet: Gabor-PCA Convolutional Networks for Touchless Palmprint Recognition"
[TIM 2024] The official implementation for the paper "Affective EEG-based Person Identification with Continual Learning"
This code repository collects the source code of the representative deep learning-based MI-EEG models and runs a leaderboard to fairly compare these models.
Supplementary Materials for the 2021 IEEE SPL paper "CompNet: Competitive Neural Network for Palmprint Recognition Using Learnable Gabor Kernels"
WACV2018/TIP: Gabor Convolutional Networks
Scripts to a) download DEAP EEG dataset b) preprocess its EEG signals and c) perform feature extraction
Official implementation of "Bezier Palm", a data synthesizing method for palmprint recognition.
PoolFormer: MetaFormer Is Actually What You Need for Vision (CVPR 2022 Oral)
Paper and implementation of UNet-related model.
Official code for Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation with TransCeption: A Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Approach
Code release for the TIP paper and MICCAI2018 paper "One-Pass Multi-task Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Brain Tumor Segmentation".
Implementation of our AAAI'22 work: 'UCTransNet: Rethinking the Skip Connections in U-Net from a Channel-wise Perspective with Transformer'.
CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation (TPAMI 2020 & ICCV 2019).
Use of Attention Gates in a Convolutional Neural Network / Medical Image Classification and Segmentation
【SCIS2021】A comprehensive survey on deraining. Keep updating
cvpr2024/cvpr2023/cvpr2022/cvpr2021/cvpr2020/cvpr2019/cvpr2018/cvpr2017 论文/代码/解读/直播合集,极市团队整理