Single basin idealized model set up & analysis
Makefile to create "padded" versions of the JRA-55-do forcing files
Introduction to Physical Oceanography by R. Stewart
Examples of analysis of MITgcm LLC simulations of NASA Pleiades supercomputer
Estimating spectral fluxes of kinetic energy from 3rd order velocity structure functions.
Example configurations for MOM6 and SIS2
The PO.DAAC Cookbook: A place to find data recipes and tutorials for PO.DAAC datasets, tools & services
Repository containing the tutorial notebook run during the Townhall Sesion
Second-order section filtering with multiple filters
Geophysical fluid dynamics pseudospectral solvers with Julia and FourierFlows.jl.
M.I.T General Circulation Model master code and documentation repository
optimisation package for MITgcm based on m1qn3 with proper reverse control
Cell Tree data structure for fast searching of an unstructured grid for the polygon containing the specified point