This is the README file for our constructed dataset contained in "data_final.txt".
The file contains 2085 documents, each of which contains one emotion-cause pair (ECP), with one emotion clause and at most three cause clauses. The document is annotated as follows:
doc_index doc_length doc_type
(emotion_clause_index, cause_clause_index), ...
clause_index, clause_type, emotion_type, emotion_word, clause content
doc_index: the index of the document;
doc_length: the number of clauses in this document;
doc_type: the type of the document, - 0: Not-causal; there is No causal relationship in this document since it contains a conditional ECP but the context information needed is missing; - 1: Conditional; the document contains a conditional ECP and the context information needed is included; - 2: Others; the document contains a non-conditional ECP;
emotion_clause_index: the index of the emotion clause;
cause_clause_index: the index of the cause clause;
clause_index: the index of the clause;
clause_type: the type of the clause, - 0: Irrelevant context clause (IR); - 1: Cause-Related context clause (CR); - 2: Emotion-Related context clause (ER); - 3: ECP-Related context clause (PR); - 4: Cause clause (C); - 5: Emotion clause (E); - 9: Both-Cause-and-Emotion clause (B);
emotion_type: the type of the emotion expressed in the clause: - Happiness, Sadness, Angry, Surprise, Disgust, Fear
emotion_word: the word expressing the emotion
clause content: the content of the clause