Configurable Base image for web projects. Some highlights are:
- LAMP Stack (PHP 5.5 by default, other versions via phpbrew)
- SSH & SFTP Access
- Projekt Blueprint
- Composer
- Phing
- phpMyAdmin
- crons
- Mail (postfix)
This image is for imitating the usual web server your pages and apps run on. It preconfigures a vhost and project sceleton for you with a local domain. You can then just deploy your files via SFTP like on your rented web server. Perfect for local development and feature branch based environments
To spice it up the image comes with some features for auto deployment and continues integration
Do not use for production environments or environments with security playing a role Things like phpmyadmin, mysql etc are not password protected and just setup to get rolling quickly. For environments running on your local development machine this is fine.
Why using this image? Why not :) We are using docker for some month now at and did build our own reusable base image. This took a lot of hours (=> days) to setup and was only be able to do with the help of many blogs about docker, linux and so on. So no reason to keep this private. Maybe it can save you some time or give you some ideas for your own base image.
Thanks to the phusion guys for providing the ubuntu base image.
This base image is not an abstract one but does nothing (because it's an baseimage). To run it simply do:
docker pull ctsmedia/baseimage-web
docker run -d ctsmedia/baseimage-web
To get some info on what it's doing, start it not detached
docker run -d ctsmedia/baseimage-web
When running the container without the -d option or when connecting via ssh your always get a message showing the ip and hostname which you can put into local hosts file to be able to connect to your container via url.
Example output when running the container:
| dev.ctsmedia.local |
You can browse your container now with the IP
Run this command on your linux shell to make the container accessible via dev.ctsmedia.local
sudo echo " dev.ctsmedia.local" >> /etc/hosts
You can access the phpmyadmin installation always via phpmyadmin
git clone [email protected]:ctsmedia/docker-baseimage-web.git
Modify the Dockerfile or its scripts and then build your own base image
docker build -t yourcompany/yourimage .
Creating develop enviroments fast. That's what this image is about
Go to your project directory which you want to add a preconfigured docker image
and then create the dockerfile Dockerfile
The simplest one would like:
FROM ctsmedia/baseimage-web
ENV DOCKER_DOMAIN urlsafe_projectname.local
Then run
docker build -t yourcompany/urlsafe_projectname:VERSION .
is optional. If not set latest will be used.
You can now run your container with docker run yourcompany/urlsafe_projectname
and connect to it via ssh and sftp.
Deploy the files to the document root found in: /var/www/share/urlsafe_projectname.local/htdocs
Put a project init script in your project dockerfile to get you automatically startet.
Git, composer and phing come pre installed. So you easy setup a init script:
echo "Running init script for setting up feature docker environment"
cd /var/www/share/${DOCKER_DOMAIN}/repos
echo "Getting repos via ssh"
git clone [email protected]:foo/bar.git
echo "Switching to develop branch"
cd bar
git checkout develop
echo "Running Deployment Script via phing"
phing docker-env-init
ADD scripts/ /etc/my_init.d/
to make it the init script run on container setup automatically (docker run )
or use
ADD scripts/ /var/www/share/
to manually run the script when logged in via ssh with sh /var/www/share/
You can use variable defined in your dockerfile in the container itself like ${DOCKER_DOMAIN}
We've build a installer script which make it easy to preinstall another php versin and use it (via phpbrew)
FROM ctsmedia/baseimage-web
RUN install_php 5.4
You can add several custom ini files which are also used when switching to another php version (via install_php)
FROM ctsmedia/baseimage-web
RUN install_php 5.4
ADD config/php-additional.ini /etc/php5/cgi/conf.d/cts-project.ini
ADD config/php-additional-2.ini /etc/php5/cgi/conf.d/cts-project-more.ini
Format of the name needs to be something like cts-[.*].ini
und should not be cts-default.ini
(only if you want to override out custom ini)
The file config/php-additional.ini
must be accessible under this path when building you docker file
FROM ctsmedia/base:latest
ENV DOCKER_DOMAIN acme-store.local
RUN install_php 5.4
ADD config/php-acmestore.ini /etc/php5/cgi/conf.d/cts-acmestore.ini
ADD scripts/ /var/www/share/
The additional ini could like:
memory_limit = 512M
post_max_size = 200M
This image is based on the phusion/baseimage Here you can read how to access your container: SSH Access is by default enabled in this image compared to phusion/baseimage
We recommend to use your own key(s). Add this to you project dockerfile
### Add ssh keys
COPY config/authorized_keys /tmp/authorized_keys
RUN cat /tmp/authorized_keys >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && rm -f /tmp/authorized_keys
Make sure config/authorized_keys
is accessible and contains your ssh key(s)
You can also mount you project folder into the container via -v PATH/TO/PRJECT
in your docker run command.
We recomennt to use ssh for deploy / ci because the docker container should be a replica of your production server which you usually access via sftp oder build tools (using ssh)
Probably you're running a git repository for your project and maybe use CI Tools aswell. If so it's good to have a fixed SSH Keypair so your docker container can access your private git repositories
at gitlab or github with only one deploy key.
Otherwise you'd to have enable lots of keys namely for each time you or your team does a docker run
COPY config/id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa
ADD config/ /root/.ssh/
Create one using this command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
When using composer in your projects you most likely already stumbled over the github API Rate limit. You can get around it already in your dockerfile, by providing the token beforehand. So you do not have to get one everytime you run your project in a new fresh dockerinstance
RUN composer config -g TOKEN
This image comes with postfix installed. On development environments you often work with data from a production systems. It's not so cool if customers of an eshop get mails from your docker dev instance by accident.
To only allow mails send to specific whitelisted domains add the following to your docker instance:
### postfix
RUN echo "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_domains, reject" >> /etc/postfix/
RUN echo "transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport" >> /etc/postfix/
ADD config/postfix_recipient_domains /etc/postfix/recipient_domains
ADD config/postfix_transport /etc/postfix/transport
RUN postmap /etc/postfix/recipient_domains
RUN postmap /etc/postfix/transport
The config files have to look like this:
config/postfix_transport : :
* error: Recipient not whitelisted.
config/postfix_recipient_domains OK OK
So if you made down here you maybe want to have a full example of how to use this image for your company and your projects As already mentioned we at ctsmedia are running a company base image which inherits that one here. Our Dockerfile for the company images looks like this:
FROM ctsmedia/baseimage-web:latest
MAINTAINER ctsmedia <[email protected]>
# CTS Config
### Add employee ssh keys
COPY config/authorized_keys /tmp/authorized_keys
RUN cat /tmp/authorized_keys >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && rm -f /tmp/authorized_keys
### Add fixed ssh key to docker machine for our deployment tools
COPY config/id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa
RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
ADD config/ /root/.ssh/
# No strict host key check for our own repostiories
RUN touch /root/.ssh/config
RUN printf "Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> /root/.ssh/config
### composer api rate limit token
RUN composer config -g <tokenreplacedwithplaceholder>
### postfix: default block all recipient_domains but only allow for whitelisted
RUN echo "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_domains, reject" >> /etc/postfix/
RUN echo "transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport" >> /etc/postfix/
ADD config/postfix_recipient_domains /etc/postfix/recipient_domains
ADD config/postfix_transport /etc/postfix/transport
RUN postmap /etc/postfix/recipient_domains
RUN postmap /etc/postfix/transport
Our projects Dockerfile than inherit the company one and look like this:
FROM ctsmedia/baseimage-web-intern:1.0.0
ENV DOCKER_DOMAIN magentoshop.local
# Maxcluster Server run max. 5.4 atm
RUN install_php 5.4
ADD /etc/my_init.d/
RUN chmod +x /etc/my_init.d/
The init script itself looks quite the same in most of our projects
echo "Running init script for setting up feature docker environment"
cd /var/www/share/${DOCKER_DOMAIN}/repos
echo "Getting repos via ssh"
git clone git@privatereposserver:groupname/magentostore.git
echo "Switching to develop branch"
cd magentostore
git checkout develop
echo "Running Deployment Script via phing"
phing docker-env-init
The phing build will then build and deploy the application.