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., beat -, rest (space between characters, can also use a "space" if it's clear) --, longer rest (comma) ----, end of sentence tense, as a quick guideline, present and past tense can be communicated by attaching (iskwar)-(past) or (bltwar)-(future) to a word cluster pluralization, as a quick guideline, pluralization can be communicated by stacking another (many) or (more) on a word zaa$, chord zaa&, hold for two beats zaa*, half-beat zaa, 0 oth, 1 sis, 2 kir, 3 eye, 4 mer, 5 war, 6 paa, 7 uro, 8 blt, 9 sta, A isk, B ## Gods zaa$zaazaa, Zariel zaazaazaa, serial oth$othoth, Oth othothoth, auth sis$sissis, Cystam sississis, system kir$kirkir, Kiro kirkirkir, conduct eye$eyeeye, Audient eyeeyeeye, look mer$mermer, Mersenne mermermer, random war$warwar, The World warwarwar, world paa$paapaa, Path paapaapaa, path paa&paapaa, way uro$urouro, Curopal urourouro, serve uro&urouro, hand blt$bltblt, Blit bltbltblt, paint sta$stasta, Stacks stastasta, keep isk$iskisk, Misk iskiskisk, other zaa*zaa*, ? oth*oth*, the sis*sis*, and kir*kir*, or eye*eye*, if mer*mer*, else war*war*, let paa*paa*, for uro*uro*, each blt*blt*, no sta*sta*, yes isk*isk*, any zaaoth, note (this is a stand-in for "word", as all words are notes) zaa$oth, language zaa&oth, chorus zaasis, groovelet (this is a stand-in for "person", as all people are groovelets) zaa$sis, village zaakir, sing zaa$kir, conversation zaaeye, music zaa$eye, band zaamer, play zaa$mer, improvise zaa&mer, dance zaawar, song zaa$war, instrument zaa&war, voice zaapaa, loud zaa$paa, amplify zaauro, fast zaa&uro, race zaablt, harmony (this is a stand-in for "good") zaa$blt, safety zaasta, time zaa$sta, tempo zaaisk, tune othzaa, object oth$zaa, thing oth&zaa, class othsis, friend oth$sis, team othkir, think otheye, you othmer, this othwar, othpaa, group oth$paa, set othuro, wait othblt, door othsta, face oth$sta, identity oth&sta, mask othisk, lock siszaa, animal sis$zaa, wild sis&zaa, pet sisoth, enemy siskir, big sis$kir, huge siseye, hot sis$eye, melt sis&eye, warm sismer, real sis$mer, reality sis&mer, imaginary siswar, hello sis$war, greetings sis&war, hi sispaa, solid sisuro, ask sis$uro, question sis&uro, bother sisblt, gift sis$blt, talent sis&blt, skill sissta, sibling sis$sta, family sisisk, change kirzaa, move kiroth, dream kirsis, small kir$sis, tiny kireye, list kirmer, hate kirwar, light kir$war, bright kirpaa, air kiruro, begin kir$uro, start kirblt, color kir$blt, rainbow kirsta, point kirisk, valuable eyezaa, nature eyeoth, I eye$oth, self eyesis, cold eye$sis, freezing eye&sis, cool eyekir, hard eyemer, do eyewar, you eyepaa, go eyeuro, true eye$uro, fact eyeblt, circle eyesta, add eye$sta, multiply eye&sta, exponent eyeisk, major merzaa, plan mer$zaa, plot mer&zaa, scheme meroth, that mersis, game merkir, like mer$kir, love (the "groove" symbol is also appropriate here) mer&kir, compare mereye, life merwar, cut merpaa, use meruro, mind merblt, must mersta, limit merisk, get mer&isk, buy mer$isk, give warzaa, help waroth, warsis, goodbye warkir, dark war$kir, heavy wareye, warmer, weather warpaa, follow waruro, ground warblt, destroy warsta warisk, future paazaa, quiet paaoth, tool paasis, liquid paa$sis, mix paakir, gas paaeye, fire paamer, number paawar, lead paauro, fly paablt, up paasta, left paa$sta, grain paaisk, to urozaa, be urooth, stop urosis, touch urokir, end uroeye uromer, body urowar, food uropaa, swim uroblt, energy uro$blt, electric uro&blt, power urosta, harvest uro$sta, collect uro&sta, forage uroisk bltzaa, discord (this is a stand in for "bad") blt$zaa, danger bltoth, window bltsis, place blt$sis, here blt&sis, there bltkir, line blt$kir, straight blteye, square bltmer, thought bltwar, build blt$war, home blt&war, wall bltpaa, down blturo, plant blt$uro, crop blt$uro$, farm blt&uro, tree blt&uro&, wood bltsta, water bltisk, out blt$isk, container stazaa, heart (the "groove" symbol is also appropriate here) sta$zaa, storage staoth stasis, parent stakir, child sta&kir, children staeye, subtract sta$eye, divide sta&eye, logarithm stamer, knowledge stawar, same stapaa, right sta$paa, correct stauro, write stablt staisk, less sta$isk, half sta&isk, part iskzaa, break iskoth, key isksis, control iskkir, garbage iskeye, minor iskmer, take isk$mer, steal isk&mer, sell iskwar, past isk$war, old iskpaa, from iskuro iskblt, in isk$blt, shell isk&blt, cover isksta, more isk$sta, many #3-Compounds (oth)(paamer), odd (sis)(paamer), even (mer)(paamer), prime (paa)(paamer), lucky #4-Compounds (stauro)(iskwar), wrote (write-past) (blturo)(sis&zaa), garden (plant-pet) (paawar)(zaapaa), rule (lead-loud) (iskmer)(iskwar), took (take-past) (merisk)(iskwar), got (get-past) (stauro)(blteye), paper (write-square) (paamer)(paamer), base (number-number) (urozaa)(iskwar), been (be-past) (sis&mer)(eyeuro), let (imaginary-true) (sis&mer)(eyeuro), hypothetical (imaginary-true) (uromer)(paablt), stand (body-up) (urowar)(paaeye), cook (food-fire) (warkir)(bltsis), shade (dark-place) (zaablt)(zaa&oth), laugh (harmony-chorus) (blt$war)(sta&isk), room (home-part) (zaasis)(sisuro), who (groovelet-ask) (sis&mer)(bltmer), religion (imaginary-thought) (paauro)(sta$isk), wing (fly-part) (isk$sta)(othmer), these (many-this) (isk$sta)(isk$sta), so (many-many) (oth&zaa)(stamer), topic (class-knowledge) (zaasta)(bltsis), when (time-place) (uro*uro*)(isk$sta), all (each-many) (blt*blt*)(bltmer), sleep (no-thought) (eyemer)(eye*eye*), then (do-if) (othuro)(eye*eye*), until (wait-if) (urooth)(kirzaa), still (stop-move) (merkir)(eyeuro), equal (like-true) (merkir)(merkir), compare (like-like) (sta$eye)(eyesta), mean (divide-add) (paasta)(stapaa), middle (left-right) (othzaa)(eyemer), function (object-do) (blt&sis)(sis$kir), far (there-huge) (blt&uro)(sta&isk), log (tree-part) (blt*blt*)(blt$sis), nowhere (no-here) (blt*blt*)(blt*blt*), opposite (no-no) (blt*blt*)(eyekir), easy (no-hard) (blt*blt*)(eyemer), don't (no-do) (blt*blt*)(eyeuro), false (no-true) (blt*blt*)(isk$war), new (no-old) (blt*blt*)(oth$zaa), nothing (no-thing) (blt*blt*)(uro&blt), off (no-power) (blt*blt*)(warisk), pessimistic (no-future) (blt*blt*)(zaaoth), sound (no-note) (blt*blt*)(zaauro), slow (no-fast) (blt*blt*)(zaawar), silence (no-song) (blteye)(blt$isk), box (square-container) (blteye)(sta&isk), corner (square-part) (bltmer)(blt$isk), head (thought-container) (bltmer)(othzaa), idea (thought-object) (bltpaa)(bltpaa), under (down-down) (bltpaa)(bltsis), hole (down-place) (bltsis)(sisuro), where (place-ask) (sisuro)(bltsis), find (ask-place) (bltsta)(waruro), island (water-ground) (blturo)(blt$isk), seed (plant-container) (blturo)(blt&war), bark (plant-wall) (blturo)(bltpaa), wilt (plant-down) (blturo)(kirblt), bloom (plant-color) (blturo)(paablt), grow (plant-up) (blturo)(uroblt), biofuel (plant-energy) (blturo)(urowar), fertilizer (plant-food) (blturo)(waruro), soil (plant-ground) (blturo)(zaasta), spring (plant-time) (bltwar)(zaasta), work (build-time) (bltwar)(bltwar), make (build-build) (eye*eye*)(eye*eye*), condition (if-if) (eyeblt)(blt$isk), pot (circle-container) (eyeblt)(blteye), shape (circle-square) (eyeblt)(paaoth), wheel (circle-tool) (eyekir)(blt*blt*), soft (hard-no) (eyeoth)(otheye), us (I-you) (eyesis)(zaasta), winter (cold-time) (eyesta)(staeye), math (add-subtract) (eyeuro)(bltmer), believe (true-thought) (isk$blt)(isk$blt), protect (shell-shell) (isk$blt)(oth$zaa), clothing (shell-thing) (isk$mer)(blturo), fungus (steal-plant) (isk$sta)(blt&uro), forest (many-tree) (isk$war)(bltmer), storage (old-thought) (iskblt)(bltisk), through (in-out) (iskeye)(eyeisk), scale (minor-major) (iskkir)(sis$zaa), raccoon (garbage-wild) (iskkir)(siszaa), human (garbage-animal) (groovelets are aware of the now-extinct human race) (isksta)(isk$war), ancient (more-old) (isksta)(zaa$sis), city (more-village) (iskwar)(bltmer), memory (past-thought) (iskwar)(bltwar), made (past-build) (iskwar)(bltwar), built (past-build) (iskwar)(eyemer), did (past-do) (iskwar)(eyepaa), went (past-go) (kir$sis)(othpaa), molecule (tiny-group) (kirisk)(iskkir), collection (valuable-garbage) (kirsis)(blt&uro), shrub (small-tree) (kirsis)(blturo), grass (small-plant) (kirsis)(stamer), trivia (small-knowledge) (kirsta)(bltsis), at (point-place) (kirsta)(eyeblt), spot (point-circle) (kirwar)(eyeblt), sun (light-circle) (kirwar)(uroblt), solar (light-energy) (kirwar)(zaasta), day (light-time) (kirzaa)(zaauro), run (move-fast) (mer$isk)(mer$isk), share (give-give) (mer$isk)(merisk), negotiate (give-get) (mer$isk)(merzaa), offer (give-plan) (mer$kir)(paaeye), match (love-fire) (mer$kir)(sis&zaa), dog (love-pet) (mer$kir)(zaasis), partner (love-groovelet) (mer&isk)(isk&mer), trade (buy-sell) (mer&zaa)(sis&zaa), cat (scheme-pet) (merblt)(eyemer), should (must-do) (merisk)(isk$mer), argue (give-steal) (merisk)(warisk), have (get-future) (meruro)(uromer), soul (mind-body) (merwar)(paaoth), knife (cut-tool) (oth$sta)(stakir), is (identity-child) (zaablt)(sis$uro), why (harmony-question) (zaablt)(stasis), grandparent (harmony-parent) (othmer)(zaasta), now (this-time) (zaablt)(bltzaa), okay (harmony-discord) (othzaa)(isk$blt), material (object-shell) (othzaa)(sisuro), what (object-ask) (paa*paa*)(uro*uro*), loop (for-each) (paablt)(bltpaa), direction (up-down) (paablt)(paablt), over (up-up) (paaeye)(bltsis), fireplace (fire-place) (paaeye)(kirpaa), oxygen (fire-air) (paauro)(siszaa), bird (fly-animal) (paawar)(bltsis), guide (lead-place) (paawar)(zaawar), command (lead-song) (siseye)(eyesis), temperature (hot-cold) (siseye)(zaasta), summer (hot-time) (sisisk)(sisisk), modulate (change-change) (sispaa)(bltsta), ice (solid-water) (sisuro)(warisk), answer (ask-future) (sta$isk)(sta$isk), fraction (half-half) (sta*sta*)(uro&blt), on (yes-power) (sta*sta*)(warisk), optimistic (yes-future) (stamer)(mersis), puzzle (knowledge-game) (stamer)(sispaa), book (knowledge-solid) (stamer)(stakir), student (knowledge-child) (stamer)(stasis), teacher (knowledge-parent) (stamer)(zaaeye), listen (knowledge-music) (stasis)(stakir), related (parent-child) (stazaa)(bltmer), emotion (heart-thought) (uro*uro*)(blt$sis), everywhere (each-here) (uro*uro*)(paamer), infinity (each-number) (uro*uro*)(sta$isk), complete (each-half) (uro*uro*)(zaasis), everybody (each-groovelet) (uropaa)(siszaa), fish (swim-animal) (urosta)(zaasta), fall (harvest-time) (urowar)(uroblt), sugar (food-energy) (warisk)(kirsis), soon (future-small) (warisk)(merisk), want (future-get) (warisk)(warpaa), cause (future-follow) (warkir)(zaasta), night (dark-time) (warmer)(bltsta), rain (weather-water) (bltzaa)(stamer), trouble (discord-knowledge) (blt$zaa)(stamer), fear (danger-knowledge) (blt$zaa)(zaa&mer), attack (danger-dance) (warpaa)(warisk), effect (follow-future) (waruro)(bltsta), river (ground-water) (zaa$mer)(blt$zaa), freestyle rap battle (improvise-danger) (zaamer)(bltsis), event (play-place) (zaaoth)(blt$isk), envelope (song-container) (zaaoth)(kireye), dictionary (note-list) (zaaoth)(zaasta), beat (note-time) (zaaoth)(zaasta), frequency (note-time) (zaasis)(oth$sta), name (groovelet-identity) (zaasis)(zaa$oth), the groovelet language (groovelet-language) (zaawar)(zaa&war), tenor (song-instrument) ((oth)(zaa))(othpaa), dozen (10-group) (isk$sta)(othpaa), several (many-group) ## Colors (zaa)(kirblt), teal (oth)(kirblt), green (sis)(kirblt), lime (kir)(kirblt), yellow (eye)(kirblt), orange (mer)(kirblt), brown (war)(kirblt), red (paa)(kirblt), magenta (uro)(kirblt), purple (blt)(kirblt), midnight (sta)(kirblt), blue (isk)(kirblt), sky (warkir)(kirblt), black (dark-color) (kirwar)(kirblt), white (light-color) (blt*blt*)(kirblt), transparent (no-color) (isksta)(kirblt), vibrant (many-color) (staisk)(kirblt), faded (less-color) ((blt*blt*)(zaawar))(kirblt), grey (silence-color) ##Instruments (paa)(zaa$war), string (kirpaa)(zaa$war), woodwind (air-instrument) (blt)(zaa$war), brass (oth)(zaa$war), choir (mer)(zaa$war), percussion (uro)(zaa$war), clap (sis)(zaa$war), microphone (war)(zaa$war), agent (kir)(zaa$war), baton (zaa)(zaa$war), metronome (isk)(zaa$war), triangle (sta)(zaa$war), sinewave ((isk)(zaa$war))((sta)(zaa$war)), sawtooth # 5-compounds (uro&urouro)(paablt), lift (hand-up) (othothoth)(bltisk), open (auth-out) (othothoth)(iskblt), close (auth-in) (othothoth)(zaaoth), password (auth-note) (eyeeyeeye)(zaasta), watch (look-time) (bltmer)(paapaapaa), story (thought-path) (othothoth)(eyemer), permission (auth-do) (othothoth)(sisuro), can (auth-ask) (mermermer)(urozaa), maybe (random-be) (sississis)(bltmer), pattern (system-thought) (iskiskisk)(zaaoth), they (other-groovelet) (zaazaazaa)(paamer), count (serial-number) (zaazaazaa)(urokir), last (serial-end) (zaazaazaa)(urokir), final (serial-end) (zaazaazaa)(urokir), ultimate (serial-end) (staisk)(mermermer), simple (less-random) (isk$sta)(mermermer), complex (many-random) (zaasta)(urourouro), clock (time-serve) (warwarwar)(eyeblt) planet (world-circle) (blt*blt*)(iskiskisk), only (no-other) (stamer)(eyeeyeeye), learn (knowledge-look) (blt*blt*)(mermermer), order (no-random) (mersis)(sississis), video game (game-system) (warwarwar)(mersis), chess (world-game) (mermermer)(mersis), poker (random-game) (warwarwar)(bltsta), ocean (world-water) (sis)(zaaoth)(zaasta), second (2-note-time) (oth)(zaaoth)(zaasta), first (1-note-time) (eye)(zaaoth)(zaasta), measure (4-note-time) (uro*uro*)(paa&paapaa), always (each-way) (eyeeyeeye)(uromer), eye (look-body) (warwarwar)(waruro), rock (world-ground) (mermermer)(merzaa), success (random-plan) (warwarwar)(bltsis), land (world-place) (warwarwar)(sis$kir), mountain (world-huge) (mermermer)(blteye), dice (random-square) (eyemer)(bltbltblt), draw (do-paint) (stamer)(eyeeyeeye), read (knowledge-look) (isksta)(warwarwar), universe (more-world) ((oth)(zaa)(zaa))(othpaa), duodecimal hundred (100-group) ## Cardinal directions (eyeuro)((othmer)(zaasta)), just (true-now) (paasta)(paapaapaa), west (left-path) (paablt)(paapaapaa), north (up-path) (stapaa)(paapaapaa), east (right-path) (bltpaa)(paapaapaa), south (down-path) # 6-compounds ((paawar)(zaapaa))(stasis), chief (rule-parent) (staisk)((mermermer)(urozaa)), perhaps (less-maybe) (eyeeyeeye)(eyeeyeeye), stare (look-look) (oth)(zaa)((paamer)(paamer)), duodecimal (1-0-base) (zaa)(oth)((paamer)(paamer)), binary (0-1-base) (iskwar)((sisuro)(bltsis)), found (past-find) (kirzaa)((blt*blt*)(urozaa)), walk (move-slow) (zaawar)((iskwar)(bltmer)), record (song-memory) ((stamer)(sispaa))(sta&isk), page (book-part) ((paa*paa*)(uro*uro*))(eye*eye*), while (loop-if) ((blt&sis)(sis$kir))(zaawar), call (far-song) ((kirzaa)(zaauro))(sis&zaa), horse (run-pet) (eyeoth)((merisk)(warisk)), my (I-have) (sta$isk)((kir$sis)(othpaa)), atom (molecule-part) ((eye*eye*)(eye*eye*))(eyemer), would (condition-do) (blt*blt*)((merkir)(eyeuro)), inequal (no-equal) (othzaa)((eyeblt)(blteye)), form (object-shape) (paaeye)((paaeye)(kirpaa)), combust (fire-oxygen) (iskwar)((paablt)(bltpaa)), back (past-direction) (warisk)((paablt)(bltpaa)), forward (future-direction) (blt*blt*)((urowar)(uroblt)), sour (no-sugar) ((uro*uro*)(sta$isk))(othzaa), whole (complete-object) (eyemer)((zaablt)(bltzaa)), try (do-okay) (iskwar)((merisk)(warisk)), had (past-have) (blturo)((bltpaa)(bltpaa)), root (plant-under) (blt*blt*)((blt$zaa)(zaa&mer)), defense (no-attack) ((blt*blt*)(blt*blt*))(merisk), put (opposite-get) (blturo)(merwar)(paaoth), axe (plant-cut-tool) (stazaa)(zaaoth)(zaasta), heartbeat (heart-note-time) (isksta)(warisk)(merisk), need (more-future-get) (stazaa)((stamer)(zaaeye)), care (heart-listen) ((stamer)(zaaeye))(stazaa), kindness (listen-heart) ((isksta)(isk$war))(bltmer), history (ancient-thought) (stastasta)(bltbltblt), picture (keep-paint) ((eyesta)(staeye))(zaaoth), symbol (math-note) (isk$war)((blturo)(uroblt)), oil (old-biofuel) (sisisk)((paablt)(bltpaa)), turn (change-direction) (paapaapaa)(sississis), port (path-system) (sississis)(paapaapaa), filename (system-path) ((urosta)(zaasta))(bltpaa), trip (fall-down) (zaa$paa)((sisisk)(sisisk)), AM (amplify-modulate) ((isksta)(isk$war))(iskkir), artifact (ancient-garbage) (isksta)((paa*paa*)(uro*uro*)), again (more-loop) (paablt)((paablt)(bltpaa)), high (up-direction) (stapaa)((paablt)(bltpaa)), long (right-direction) (bltpaa)((paablt)(bltpaa)), low (down-direction) ((bltsta)(waruro))(waruro), sand (island-ground) (eyeblt)((eyeblt)(blteye)), round (circle-shape) (zaablt)((stazaa)(bltmer)), happy (harmony-emotion) (bltzaa)((stazaa)(bltmer)), sad (discord-emotion) (bltmer)((warisk)(warpaa)), reason (thought-cause) (zaasis)((zaamer)(bltsis)), festival (groovelet-event) (isksta)((kirwar)(zaasta)), month (more-day) ((war)(zaa$war))(bltsis), state (agent-place) ((isk$blt)(oth$zaa))(zaamer), wear (clothing-play) (kirblt)((zaaoth)(zaawar)), tone (color-frequency) ((kirpaa)(zaa$war))(warmer), wind (woodwind-weather) (bltisk)(iskblt)(bltisk), between (out-in-out) (bltsta)((bltpaa)(bltsis)), well (water-hole) (zaakir)(blt*blt*)(eyeuro), lie (sing-no-true) (othsta)((warmer)(bltsta)), cry (face-rain) ((sispaa)(bltsta))(warmer), snow (ice-weather) (kiruro)((kirwar)(zaasta)), morning (begin-day) (kiruro)((warkir)(zaasta)), evening (begin-night) (paapaapaa)(paapaapaa), cross (path-path) (iskwar)((warisk)(warpaa)), before (past-cause) (warisk)((warisk)(warpaa)), after (future-cause) ((isk$blt)(isk$blt))(zaasis), armor (protect-groovelet) (stamer)((bltwar)(zaasta)), study (knowledge-work) (blt*blt*)((blt&sis)(sis$kir)), near (no-far) ((blt&uro)(sta&isk))(sta&isk), stick (log-part) ((eyeblt)(paaoth))(paaoth), cart (wheel-tool) # 7-compounds (zaablt)((sississis)(bltmer)), melody (harmony-pattern) (kirzaa)((uro&urouro)(paablt)), carry (move-lift) (zaasta)((sississis)(bltmer)), meter (time-pattern) ((zaazaazaa)(urokir))(isk$sta), most (final-many) (isk$sta)((iskiskisk)(zaaoth)), them (many-they) (eyeeyeeye)((kirsta)(bltsis)), show (look-at) ((warwarwar)(waruro))(urowar), salt (rock-food) (warwarwar)((bltsta)(waruro)), continent (world-island) (isk$sta)((sis)(zaaoth)(zaasta)), minute (many-second) (blt*blt*)((urouro)(paa&paapaa)), never (no-always) (waruro)((eye)(zaaoth)(zaasta)), foot (ground-measure) ((blt*blt*)(mermermer))(bltmer), science (order-thought) (mermermer)((blteye)(blt$isk)), card (random-box) (mermermer)((blt*blt*)(zaaoth)), noise (random-sound) ((oth)(zaa)(zaa)(zaa))(othpaa), duodecimal thousand (1000-group) # 8-compounds ((iskwar)(bltmer))((merisk)(warisk)), remember (memory-have) (siskir)((isk$sta)(blt&uro))(sis$zaa), bear (big-forest-wild) ((paasta)(stapaa))((kirwar)(zaasta)), noon (middle-day) ((sis&mer)(bltmer))((iskkir)(siszaa)), bishop (religion-human) ((eyeoth)(otheye))((eyeoth)(otheye)), together (us-us) (((bltsta)(waruro))(waruro))(bltsis), desert (sand-place) ((eyeoth)(otheye))((merisk)(warisk)), our (us-have) ((urowar)(uroblt))((blturo)(blt$isk)), fruit (sugar-seed) (sta&isk)(((uro*uro*)(sta$isk))(othzaa)), of (part-whole) ((blturo)((bltpaa)(bltpaa)))(urowar), vegetable (root-food) ((siseye)(zaasta))((eyesis)(zaasta)), season (summer-winter) ((zaaoth)(zaasta))((sisisk)(sisisk)), FM (frequency-modulate) ((iskblt)(bltisk))((stamer)(mersis)), maze (through-puzzle) (isksta)((isksta)((warkir)(zaasta))), year (more-month) (((war)(zaa$war))(bltsis))(sisisk), delta (state-change) ((bltmer)(blt$isk))((isk$blt)(oth$zaa)), hat (head-clothing) ((zaakir)(blt*blt*)(eyeuro))(zaamer), act (lie-play) (waroth)((bltmer)(othzaa))(zaasis), idiot (bad-idea-groovelet) (sis$eye)(((bltsta)(waruro))(waruro)), glass (melt-sand) (siskir)((kirsis)(blturo))(sis&zaa), cow (big-grass-pet) (siskir)((kirsis)(blturo))(sis$zaa), deer (big-grass-wild) # 9-compounds ((warkir)(zaasta))((warwarwar)(eyeblt)), moon (night-planet) ((mer)(zaa))((iskmar)((sis)(zaaoth)(zaasta))), hour (50-minute) (zaazaazaa)((warisk)((warisk)(warpaa))), next (serial-after) (zaazaazaa)((iskwar)((warisk)(warpaa))), previous (serial-before) ((oth)(zaaoth)(zaasta))((othzaa)(eyemer)), main (first-function) (isk$sta)((waruro)((eye)(zaaoth)(zaasta))), feet (many-foot) # 10-compounds ((staisk)(mermermer))((sississis)(bltmer)), plain (simple-pattern) (kirzaa)(paaisk)((blt*blt*)((blt&sis)(sis$kir))), come (move-to-near) ((sta&isk)(((uro*uro*)(sta$isk))(othzaa)))(oth&zaa), such (of-class) (isk$blt)(((urowar)(uroblt))((blturo)(blt$isk))), coconut (shell-fruit) # 11-compounds ((kir)(kirblt))(((urowar)(uroblt))((blturo)(blt$isk))), lemon (yellow-fruit) ((sta)(kirblt))(((urowar)(uroblt))((blturo)(blt$isk))), blueberry (blue-fruit) # 12-compounds ((oth&zaa)(stamer))((sta&isk)(((uro*uro*)(sta$isk))(othzaa))), about (topic-of) (iskwar)((kirzaa)(paaisk)((blt*blt*)((blt&sis)(sis$kir)))), came (past-come) (zaakir)((kirzaa)(paaisk)((blt*blt*)((blt&sis)(sis$kir)))), beckon (sing-come) ((paaeye)((paaeye)(kirpaa)))(((eyeblt)(paaoth))(paaoth)), car (combust-cart) # 14-compounds ((bltzaa)((stazaa)(bltmer)))(((iskblt)(bltisk))((stamer)(mersis))), depression (sad-maze) ((blt*blt*)((urowar)(uroblt)))(((urowar)(uroblt))((blturo)(blt$isk))), citrus (sour-fruit) (siskir)(((paaeye)((paaeye)(kirpaa)))(((eyeblt)(paaoth))(paaoth))), truck (big-car) # 16-compounds (((oth)(zaa)(zaa))(othpaa))((sta$isk)(sta$isk))((zaasta)((sississis)(bltmer)) - centimeter (hundred-fraction-meter) # 24-compounds ((waroth)((bltmer)(othzaa))(zaasis))((((oth)(zaa)(zaa))(othpaa))((sta$isk)(sta$isk))((zaasta)((sississis)(bltmer))) - inch (idiot-centimeter) could than side late press eat once sure seem example ease those both mark often letter mile enough usual ready above ever though feel direct pose leave product short happen ship area problem piece told knew pass since top king pawn knight course stay full force decide surface deep busy test boat common gold plane stead dry wonder laugh ago ran check miss brought heat tire bring distant fill among unit town fine certain machine plan figure star field rest correct able pound beauty drive stood contain front teach week gave oh quick develop free strong special behind clear tail produce space heard best better during step early hold interest reach table travel toward war lay against center money serve appear map rain rule govern pull notice hunt probable bed egg ride cell pick sudden length represent art subject region size vary settle speak weight general matter pair include syllable felt grand ball yet wave drop am present dance engine position arm wide sail sit store train prove lone leg exercise catch mount wish board joy sat written kept job edge sign visit soft fun million finish happy hope flower clothes strange gone receive row mouth exact dice least shout except join suggest clean yard rise blow blood grew cent wire cost lost brown sent choose fell fit flow fair bank collect save decimal ear else quite broke case son lake moment observe milk speed method organ pay age section cloud surprise stone climb design poor lot experiment bottom iron single flat smile crease jump meet root raise solve metal push shall held hair describe floor either result burn hill safe century consider type law bit coast copy phrase silent roll industry value fight excite natural view sense chair rich thick process operate practice separate difficult doctor please modern element hit party supply whose locate ring character insect caught period indicate radio spoke expect bone rail imagine provide agree gentle captain guess necessary sharp create neighbor wash bat rather crowd corn poem bell depend tube famous dollar stream sight thin hurry colony mine tie enter fresh search send gun allow print dead suit current lift rose arrive master track shore division sheet substance favor connect post spend glad original station bread charge proper bar segment robot duck instant market degree populate dear reply drink occur support speech range steam motion meant pretty solution magnet silver thank branch especially steel discuss similar experience score apple bought led pitch coat mass rope slip win feed total basic valley double seat continue block chart company particular deal term shoe shoulder spread arrange camp invent built determine level chance gather shop stretch throw shine column select wrong repeat require broad prepare salt anger claim volcano determination mega man
a constructed language for tiny musical robots
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