Some useful Scala examples
2017-03-24 ImplicitObj - learning implicit class
2017-03-24 LazyValObj - learning executions of val/lazy val/def
2017-04-24 scalatest.FunSuite, Log4j2 and AspectJ
- Show scala test, log4j correctly and combined with AOP
- Log4j2 could output result to both console and log files
- AOP used AspectJ working with @Log(logBefore = true, logAfter = true)
- Run $ sbt test
- Output:
- Method (timeSpan 0:0:0:7): execution(AspectJExample.checkSum(..))
- Input (2017-04-24T15:45:26.679): 2 | 3
- Output (2017-04-24T15:45:26.686): 5
2017-05-04 SprayJson
- Output:
{ "key1": "value1", "key2": 4 }
Map(key1 -> value1, key2 -> 4)
- Output:
2017-05-07 RecursiveCoin
- Run test