- Pro
ApexReader Public
Analyze screenshots Apex Legends game summaries using Google's Tesseract OCR
mujoco-2.1-rl-project Public
Implementing Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms in Python for use in the MuJoCo Physics Simulator
doltpy Public
Forked from dolthub/doltpyA Python API for Dolt
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 12, 2021 -
dvc Public
Forked from dolthub/dvc🦉Data Version Control | Git for Data & Models
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 8, 2021 -
LeNet-PyTorch Public
Implementation of LeNet in PyTorch for practice using PyTorch
Python UpdatedMay 12, 2021 -
PascalVoc2VoTT Public
Forked from Chappie74/convert_pascalvoc_to_vottA helpful script to convert your pre labelled pascal dataset into a format so you can import it into Microsoft VOTT labeller
WikiLookAlike Public
Find your face on Wikipedia! PickleHacks 2020 Submission
Python UpdatedNov 23, 2020 -
Joueur.py Public
Forked from siggame/Joueur.pyPython client for the Cerveau game server.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 8, 2020 -
Mini-R-Syntax-Analyzer Public
Syntax Analyzer for Mini-R Language - HW2 for CS3500
Yacc UpdatedSep 11, 2020 -
Mini-R-Lexical-Analyzer Public
HW1 for CS3500 - Programming Languages and Translators
C UpdatedSep 4, 2020 -
Hotstrings Public
An AutoHotkey script with hotstrings for several mathematical symbols.
srt-parse Public
Segments a .mp3 file into several smaller audio clips using an accompanying .srt closed captioning file.