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GraphX for .NET (Core Branch)

Project Description

GraphX for .NET is an advanced open-source graph visualization library that supports different layout algorithms and highly customizable features. It is capable of rendering large amount of vertices and steadily moves to support the most popular .NET platforms. GraphX already served well as the foundation for many other projects where its functionality was irreplaceble.

Main GraphX libraries can be used in both C# and VB for .NET using WPF, WinForms, UWA, Xamarin or METRO technologies.

Library depends on:

* QuickGraph

Library uses partial code from:

* Graph#
* WPFExtensions
* NodeXL
* Extended WPF Toolkit

Library showcase uses:

* YAXLib
* ModernUI

Library supports following platforms:

* Windows Desktop (WPF & WinForms on Windows XP SP3 using .NET4.0)
* Universal Windows Application (UWA)
* Windows Metro 8.1
* Microsoft Silverlight 5 (WIP, only logic core is available)
* Windows Phone 8/10 (WIP, only logic core is available)
* Xamarin (WIP, only logic core is available)

Requires following studio version: * Visual Studio 2015 Express or above due to C#6.0 compliance


Performance oriented, isolated library design optimized for:
    Large amount of templated graph vertices rendering
    Isolated visual and logic libraries design and modular coding approach
    Constantly improving MVVM support
    .NET multiplatform support	
Default support for layout algorithms ( FR, KK, ISOM, LinLog, Simple Tree, Simple Circle, Sugiyama, CompoundFDP, FSA/FSAOneWay overlap removal)
	and support for grouped graph layout algorithm

Common features:
	Ability to create and plug-in custom external layout, overlap removal and edge routing algorithms
	Enhanced edge pointer customization capabilities allowing to easily create and apply custom edge pointers
	Customizable control highlighting using behaviour logic
	Graph printing methods for Windows Desktop platform
	Vertex and edge move, delete, add, mouse over animation support with the ability to create custom animations!
	Universal graph serialization methods implemented by shared interface allows custom serialization to be applied on different platforms
	Graph state saving and loading allows the capture and store in-memory visual and data graphs
	Async algorithm computation support
	Rich usability documentation and sample projects

Advanced graph edges features:
    Support for parametrized edge routing algorithms (SimpleER, EdgeBundling, PathFinder)
    Support for dynamic and/or single edge routing calculation (for ex. for dragged vertex)
    Edges curving (smoothing) technique that can be applied to any ER algorithm
    Dynamic templated edge labels with edge alignment support
    Easy templating including dashed edges of several types
    Optional self-looped edges visualization support
    Optional parallel edges visualization support between vertices

Advanced graph vertex features:
	Easy vertex drag and highlight support including on-the-fly edge routing updates
	Filtering feature provides selective vertex rendering leaving supplied graph untouched
	Customizable vertex labels support that allows to set text, position and angle
	Support for different vertex math shapes for proper edge connections rendering
	Support for different vertex and edge animations including the ability to easily create custom animations
	Vertex connection points (VCP) allows to implement customizable edge-to-vertex connections
	Vertex snap-to-grid feature while dragging vertex or group of vertices

Additional Features:

Built in enchanced zoom control with minimap and zooming features:
    Support for area selection of the vertices
    Support for area zooming and smooth animations
Design-time visual preview for all controls
Many example projects


No packages published


  • C# 100.0%