UPDATE 2017-01-24: Now use avy
instead of ace-jump-mode
Jump to and correct spelling errors using avy
and flyspell. Inspired by
abo-abo(Oleh Krehel)’s ace-link.
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/ace-flyspell") (require 'ace-flyspell)
M-x ace-flyspell-setup
If you call M-x ace-flyspell-setup
, then this setup binds the command
to C-., which is originally bound to
if you enable the flyspell-mode
. Of course, you
can choose to change the key binding.
Usually, you should enable flyspell-mode
because this package aims to jump
to and correct spelling errors detected by flyspell
, or at least you need to
run flyspell-buffer
to detect spelling errors.
There are three available commands:
This command jumps to an spelling error using avy
, and move the point to
where the spelling error is.
The following demo shows the usage of ace-flyspell-jump-word
If you prefer this command to the following ace-flyspell-dwim
(which will
be bound to C-. if you call M-x ace-flyspell-setup
), you should probably
give it a key binding.
This command is different from ace-flyspell-jump-word
in the sense that it
aims to correct rather than jump to the spelling error. At first, it
looks like ace-flyspell-jump-word
, but after you jump to the misspelt word,
it will enter another mode, where you hit . to invoke
to correct the current misspelt word and hit any
other key to accept the correction and return to the original position. You
can also hit , to save the current word into personal dictionary.
This command is useful when you’re writing an article and want to temporarily go back to some spelling error and return to where you left off after fixing the error.
If the word under the cursor is misspelt, then this command is identical to
, otherwise it will call
to jump to and correct some spelling error.
This command is bound to C-. after you call M-x ace-flyspell-setup
The following demo shows the usage of ace-flyspell-dwim
(Since there is no
misspelt word at the cursor, ace-flyspell-dwim
actually performs the same
thing as ace-flyspell-correct-word