- train_model.py
- Trains neural network model.
usage: train_model.py [-h] [-e EPOCHS] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-j NUM_WORKERS]
data_dirs data_flavour model
[model_arguments [model_arguments ...]]
- As an example, the following command will train the CRinGe_SK_MultiGaus network for 5 epochs, using a batch size of 150, 4 IO workers, using 75% of the dataset, saving the neural network output every 1000 iterations to output directory ~/NNOutput/, and using a mixture of 6 Gaussians. All files in /path/to/data ending in .h5 are used for training.
python train_model.py -e 5 -b 150 -j 4 -t 0.75 -s 1000 -o ~/NNOutput/ /path/to/data .h5 CRinGe_SK_MultiGaus N_GAUS:6
- Note that only the location of the training data, the data filename ending and the model are required arguments. All other arguments will take reasonable values if left unspecified.
- Neural network models:
- CRinGe_SK_MultiGaus.py
- Binary cross-entropy "hit" vs "unhit" loss
- Gaussian mixture loss using hit PMT charge and time, optionally.
- Super-K geometry and samples produced with WCSim.
- CRinGe_Gaus.py
- Binary cross-entropy "hit" vs "unhit" loss
- Mean squared-error loss using hit PMT charge.
- IWCD geometry and WatChMaL samples.
- CRinGe_SK_MultiGaus.py
- IO framework ported over from WatChMaL workshop code.
- Useful scripts.