This library will work as a drop in replacement for the official Rails country_select and its various forks. The idea is to provide a single library for all geographic naming concerns, and unify them under a consistent API.
States are supported for the following countries: Unites States, Canada (more soon, or fork and send a pull request)
Carmen::states('US') => [['Alabama', 'AL'], ['Arkansas', 'AR'], ... ] Carmen::states => [['Alabama', 'AL'], ['Arkansas', 'AR'], ... ] # uses default country Carmen::state_names('US') => ['Alabama', 'Arkansas', ... ] Carmen::state_codes('US') => ['AL', 'AR', ... ]
Carmen::country_name('US') => 'United States' Carmen::country_code('Canada') => 'CA' Carmen::state_code('Illinois') => 'IL' Carmen::state_code('Manitoba', 'CA') => 'MB' Carmen::state_name('AZ') => 'Arizona'
The raw lists are stored in constants
Carmen::COUNTRIES => [['Afghanistan', 'AF'], ['Aland Islands', 'AX'], ] Carmen::STATES => [['US', [['Alabama', 'AL'], ['Arkansas', 'AR'], ... ], ['CA', [['Alberta', 'AB'], ['British Columbia', 'BC'], ... ]]
Methods that take a country code argument will use the default country if none is provided. The default default country is ‘US’. You can change it to any country code:
Carmen.default_country = 'CA'