Project Description: An AngualarJs Modal component based on Bottstrap Modal that is resuable
Author: Eric Chen
This modal us Angular-xeditable, so the fisrt step is to include it in your project
Make sure the code is under the controll of the view's conresponding controller
Following code is required by xeditable
.run(function(editableOptions) {
editableOptions.theme = 'bs3'; // xeditable
Add dependency on utils.
controller: function OrderListController($scope, $rootScope, utils) {
toModalObject(): prepare modal form data
title: title for input
variableName: dababase filed name
type: input type
hide: hide this line
value: setting the initial value if you edit a entity by modal
validation: minLen:2,maxLen:20,required: true
regulation expression vaidation, regExpVaid: { text: 'Email format is not correct', reg: /^\s*\w*\s*$/ }, see the example
$scope.toModalObject = function (table) {
var orderToModal = [
{ title: 'Domain', hide: true, variableName: 'Domain', value: (order ? order.Domain : ''), type: 'text', validation: { minLen: 2, maxlen:20 errorText: '* required' } },
{ title: 'Email', variableName: 'Email', value: (order ? order.Email : ''), type: 'email', validation: { required: true, errorText: '* please input your email' }, regExpVaid: { text: 'Email?????', reg: /^\s*\w*\s*$/ } },
{ title: 'Phone', variableName: 'Phone', value: (order ? order.Phone : ''), type: 'tel' },
{ title: 'Order Status', variableName: 'OrderStatus', value: (order ? order.OrderStatus : 0), type: 'select', selectEnum: $scope.orderStatus },
{ title: 'Order Date', variableName: 'OrderDate', value: (order ? order.OrderDate : new Date()), type: 'date' },
{ title: 'Marketing Way', variableName: 'MarketingWay', value: (order ? order.MarketingWay : 0), type: 'select', selectEnum: $scope.marketingWay },
{ title: 'Product Name', variableName: 'ProductName', value: (order ? order.ProductName : ''), type: 'text' },
{ title: 'Description', variableName: 'Description', value: (order ? order.Description : ''), type: 'textarea' }
return orderToModal;
showModal(): Called by when you click the button to show and render the modal. The modalOption is used to formulate the URL that $ method called to. the Whole value of the Modal form will be send to Web API as an object.
Route: domain/controller/action/idValue
$scope.showModal = function () {
var modalOption = {
modalTitle: 'Get passowrd', // Modal tilte
controller: 'account', //Contorll name
action: 'getPassword', //Action Name (Post)
idVariable: 'UserId', // ID of a table
idValue: '12', // nuallable, the id of the entity, when create new, keep empty
httpPostConfig: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8;'
$scope.showModal = function () {
var modalOption = {
modalTitle: 'Get passowrd', // Modal tilte
controller: 'account', //Contorll name
action: 'getPassword', //Action Name (Post)
idVariable: 'UserId', // ID of a table
idValue: '12', // nuallable, the id of the entity, when create new, keep empty
httpPostConfig: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8;'
$scope.$broadcast('showModelEvent', [$scope.toModalObject(), modalOption]);
`Do something here when click the save button on the modal, when the save action success or failed.
$scope.$on('modelDone', function (event, data) {
if (data[1]) {
console.log(data[0]); // data[0] populate the response from server
} else {
####Don't forget this: add showModal() to ng-click
{ title: 'Order Status', variableName: 'OrderStatus', value: (order ? order.OrderStatus : 0), type: 'select', selectEnum: $scope.orderStatus }
$scope.orderStatus = [
{ value: 0, text: 'Deposit paid' },
{ value: 1, text: 'Paid' },
{ value: 2, text: 'Canceled' },
{ value: 3, text: 'Refunded' },
{ value: 4, text: 'Expire' }
First, remove controller, action and httpPostConfig in the modalOption objcect
$scope.showModal = function () {
var modalOption = {
modalTitle: 'Get passowrd', // Modal tilte
idVariable: 'UserId', // ID of a table
idValue: '12', // nuallable, the id of the entity, when create new, keep empty
Then, using the data here
$scope.$on('modelDone', function (event, data) {