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copy of fancoder's cryptonote-universal-pool with updates meant for xmr


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高性能 Node.js 挖掘的基于 CryptoNote 的硬币,如Bytecoin, DuckNote, Monero, QuazarCoin, Boolberry, Dashcoin等。 附带了轻量级的示例前端脚本,该脚本使用了池的AJAX API。





  • 基于服务器的 TCP (层状) 基本任务

    • 与旧的HTTP协议相比,这有更高的哈希速率,更低的网络/CPU服务器负载,更低的孤子。块百分比,且容易出错。
  • 绑定 IP 防止很低基本的网络攻击

  • Socket 嗅探

  • 支付处理

    • 拆分事务处理最大事务大小。
    • 最低付款门槛
    • 最小面额的截断付款金额精度,以减少区块交易的规模/复杂性。
  • 详细的日志记录

  • 能够配置多个端口——每个端口都有自己的难度。

  • 可变难度/共享限制。

  • 共享信任算法,减少共享验证哈希CPU负载。

  • 垂直扩展

  • 水平扩展模块组件(池服务器、数据库、统计/API、支付处理、前端)

  • 实时统计API(使用带有CORS的AJAX长轮询)

    • 货币网络/块 难度
    • 当前快的高度
    • 全网算力
    • 矿池算力
    • 每个矿工的个人统计数据(hashrate,提交的哈希,未支付余额,总支付等)
    • 发现的块(等待、确认和无效)
  • 一个易于扩展,响应性,轻量级前端使用API来显示数据。

  • 支持在池代码中使用tls (https)来支持web前端的配置。

  • 可以在命令行上启动多个模块,而不是一个一个的启动。

  • Onishin's keepalive 函数


  • 管理员页面
    • 聚合池统计
    • 守护进程 和 钱包RPC服务的稳定性监控。
    • 日志文件数据访问
    • 用户列表中有详细的统计信息。
  • 历史图表的池的哈希率和矿工数,挖矿难度,利率和币的盈利能力。
  • 用户的哈希率和支付的历史图表。
  • 矿机登录(钱包地址)验证。
  • 五个可配置的CSS主题
  • 普通的交易区块数据。
  • 在2016年3月23日之后,FantomCoin的支持并没有在修复后得到节点模块的工作。
  • 通过“地址”与“地址”匹配,为矿工客户设置固定难度。(困难)”后缀
  • 防止“交易太大”的错误与“付款”。maxTransactionAmount”选项






如果使用老版本的 Node.js 或 Redis 可能会遇到一些问题,按照要求获取最新版本就能解决

Redis 安全警告: 关于 Redis 的一些安全设置,包括 绑定本机IP 文件上修改。

Ubuntu 14 LTS 上轻松安装

在不同的Linux发行版上安装池是不同的,因为它依赖于系统默认的组件和版本。目前,安装池的最简单方法是使用Ubuntu 14 LTS。因此,为了准备Ubunty 14进行池安装,您所要做的就是运行:

sudo apt-get install git redis-server libboost1.55-all-dev nodejs-dev nodejs-legacy npm cmake libssl-dev

1) 下载和安装

Clone 本项目 并且运行 npm update 安装所有依赖库

git clone pool
cd pool
npm update

2) 配置


"coin": "ducknote",
"symbol": "XDN",
"coinUnits": 100000000,
/* see DIFFICULTY_TARGET constant in DAEMON_CODE/src/cryptonote_config.h */
"coinDifficultyTarget": 240,
"logging": {
    "files": {
        /* Specifies the level of log output verbosity. This level and anything
           more severe will be logged. Options are: info, warn, or error. */
        "level": "info",

        /* Directory where to write log files. */
        "directory": "logs",

        /* How often (in seconds) to append/flush data to the log files. */
        "flushInterval": 5

    "console": {
        "level": "info",
        /* Gives console output useful colors. If you direct that output to a log file
           then disable this feature to avoid nasty characters in the file. */
        "colors": true

/* Modular Pool Server */
"poolServer": {
    "enabled": true,

    /* Set to "auto" by default which will spawn one process/fork/worker for each CPU
       core in your system. Each of these workers will run a separate instance of your
       pool(s), and the kernel will load balance miners using these forks. Optionally,
       the 'forks' field can be a number for how many forks will be spawned. */
    "clusterForks": "auto",

    /* Address where block rewards go, and miner payments come from. */
    "poolAddress": "ddehi53dwGSBEXdhTYtga2R3fS4y9hRz4YHAsLABJpH75yUd5EDQmuL3yDBj1mG6MMeDfydY9vp4zFVVNQ99FTYq2PpsFJP2y"

    /* Poll RPC daemons for new blocks every this many milliseconds. */
    "blockRefreshInterval": 1000,

    /* How many seconds until we consider a miner disconnected. */
    "minerTimeout": 900,

    "ports": [
            "port": 3333, //Port for mining apps to connect to
            "difficulty": 100, //Initial difficulty miners are set to
            "desc": "Low end hardware" //Description of port
            "port": 5555,
            "difficulty": 2000,
            "desc": "Mid range hardware"
            "port": 7777,
            "difficulty": 10000,
            "desc": "High end hardware"

    /* Variable difficulty is a feature that will automatically adjust difficulty for
       individual miners based on their hashrate in order to lower networking and CPU
       overhead. */
    "varDiff": {
        "minDiff": 2, //Minimum difficulty
        "maxDiff": 100000,
        "targetTime": 100, //Try to get 1 share per this many seconds
        "retargetTime": 30, //Check to see if we should retarget every this many seconds
        "variancePercent": 30, //Allow time to very this % from target without retargeting
        "maxJump": 100 //Limit diff percent increase/decrease in a single retargetting

    /* Set difficulty on miner client side by passing <address> param with .<difficulty> postfix
       minerd -u 4AsBy39rpUMTmgTUARGq2bFQWhDhdQNekK5v4uaLU699NPAnx9CubEJ82AkvD5ScoAZNYRwBxybayainhyThHAZWCdKmPYn.5000 */
    "fixedDiff": {
        "enabled": true,
        "separator": ".", // character separator between <address> and <difficulty>

    /* Feature to trust share difficulties from miners which can
       significantly reduce CPU load. */
    "shareTrust": {
        "enabled": true,
        "min": 10, //Minimum percent probability for share hashing
        "stepDown": 3, //Increase trust probability % this much with each valid share
        "threshold": 10, //Amount of valid shares required before trusting begins
        "penalty": 30 //Upon breaking trust require this many valid share before trusting

    /* If under low-diff share attack we can ban their IP to reduce system/network load. */
    "banning": {
        "enabled": true,
        "time": 600, //How many seconds to ban worker for
        "invalidPercent": 25, //What percent of invalid shares triggers ban
        "checkThreshold": 30 //Perform check when this many shares have been submitted

/* Module that sends payments to miners according to their submitted shares. */
"payments": {
    "enabled": true,
    "interval": 600, //how often to run in seconds
    "maxAddresses": 50, //split up payments if sending to more than this many addresses
    "mixin": 3, //number of transactions yours is indistinguishable from
    "transferFee": 5000000000, //fee to pay for each transaction
    "minPayment": 100000000000, //miner balance required before sending payment
    "maxTransactionAmount": 0, //split transactions by this amount(to prevent "too big transaction" error)
    "denomination": 100000000000 //truncate to this precision and store remainder

/* Module that monitors the submitted block maturities and manages rounds. Confirmed
   blocks mark the end of a round where workers' balances are increased in proportion
   to their shares. */
"blockUnlocker": {
    "enabled": true,
    "interval": 30, //how often to check block statuses in seconds

    /* Block depth required for a block to unlocked/mature. Found in daemon source as
    "depth": 60,
    "poolFee": 1.8, //1.8% pool fee (2% total fee total including donations)
    "devDonation": 0.1, //0.1% donation to send to pool dev - only works with Monero
    "coreDevDonation": 0.1 //0.1% donation to send to core devs - works with Bytecoin, Monero, Dashcoin, QuarazCoin, Fantoncoin, AEON and OneEvilCoin

/* AJAX API used for front-end website. */
"api": {
    "enabled": true,
    "hashrateWindow": 600, //how many second worth of shares used to estimate hash rate
    "updateInterval": 3, //gather stats and broadcast every this many seconds
    "port": 8117,
    "blocks": 30, //amount of blocks to send at a time
    "payments": 30, //amount of payments to send at a time
    "password": "test" //password required for admin stats

/* Coin daemon connection details. */
"daemon": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 18081

/* Wallet daemon connection details. */
"wallet": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 8082

/* Redis connection into. */
"redis": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 6379

/* Monitoring RPC services. Statistics will be displayed in Admin panel */
"monitoring": {
    "daemon": {
        "checkInterval": 60, //interval of sending rpcMethod request
        "rpcMethod": "getblockcount" //RPC method name
    "wallet": {
        "checkInterval": 60,
        "rpcMethod": "getbalance"

/* Collect pool statistics to display in frontend charts  */
"charts": {
    "pool": {
        "hashrate": {
            "enabled": true, //enable data collection and chart displaying in frontend
            "updateInterval": 60, //how often to get current value
            "stepInterval": 1800, //chart step interval calculated as average of all updated values
            "maximumPeriod": 86400 //chart maximum periods (chart points number = maximumPeriod / stepInterval = 48)
        "workers": {
            "enabled": true,
            "updateInterval": 60,
            "stepInterval": 1800, //chart step interval calculated as maximum of all updated values
            "maximumPeriod": 86400
        "difficulty": {
            "enabled": true,
            "updateInterval": 1800,
            "stepInterval": 10800,
            "maximumPeriod": 604800
        "price": { //USD price of one currency coin received from
            "enabled": true,
            "updateInterval": 1800,
            "stepInterval": 10800,
            "maximumPeriod": 604800
        "profit": { //Reward * Rate / Difficulty
            "enabled": true,
            "updateInterval": 1800,
            "stepInterval": 10800,
            "maximumPeriod": 604800
    "user": { //chart data displayed in user stats block
        "hashrate": {
            "enabled": true,
            "updateInterval": 180,
            "stepInterval": 1800,
            "maximumPeriod": 86400
        "payments": { //payment chart uses all user payments data stored in DB
            "enabled": true

3) 旷工使用该池配置


4) 启动矿池

node init.js

可以使用 -config=file 参数来指定配置文件,例如:

node init.js -config=config_backup.json


  • pool - 为矿工开通连接和处理提供的算力端口
  • api - 网站api用来显示 旷工,网络的数据
  • unlocker - 解决挖矿失败,给旷工增加收入的bug
  • payments - 根据储存在redis的余额向矿工发送付款。

默认情况下,运行 init.js 的脚本将启动所有四个模块。您可以选择启动脚本。 通过“-module=name” 命令参数来启动一个特定的模块,例如:

node init.js -module=api

5) 前端网站

搭建一个简单的网站服务代理下 website_example 目录下的静态文件

配置下 website_example/config.js 配置文件

/* Must point to the API setup in your config.json file. */
var api = "http://poolhost:8117";

/* Pool server host to instruct your miners to point to.  */
var poolHost = "";

/* IRC Server and room used for embedded KiwiIRC chat. */
var irc = "";

/* Contact email address. */
var email = "[email protected]";

/* Market stat display params from */
var cryptonatorWidget = ["XDN-BTC", "XDN-USD", "XDN-EUR"];

/* Download link to cryptonote-easy-miner for Windows users. */
var easyminerDownload = "";

/* Used for front-end block links. */
var blockchainExplorer = "{symbol}/block/{id}";

/* Used by front-end transaction links. */
var transactionExplorer = "{symbol}/transaction/{id}";

/* Any custom CSS theme for pool frontend */
var themeCss = "themes/default-theme.css";

6) 定制网站


  • index.html
  • custom.css
  • custom.js

然后只需通过 nginx、Apache、或任何可以代理静态内容的内容来服务软


更新只需要只需 git pull 拉取最新的代码就行

  • 进入到代码目录执行 git pull 拉取最新代码.
  • 删除 node.js 依赖 node_modules 目录,使用 rm -r node_modules 命令就行。
  • 运行 npm update 重新下载依赖。
  • 对比 config.json 配置文件,调整参数




  • redis 建议使用 redis-commander
  • 为了监视CPU、网络、IO等的服务器负载,我建议使用。 New Relic
  • 保持你的池节点脚本在后台运行,记录到文件,如果它崩溃就自动重新启动-我建议使用。 forever


或者加我个人QQ:719591157 微信:cy719591157


Released under the GNU General Public License v2


copy of fancoder's cryptonote-universal-pool with updates meant for xmr







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  • JavaScript 47.7%
  • HTML 34.3%
  • CSS 18.0%