Given a sorted SAM file of uniquely mapped reads, this program will remove all PCR duplicates, retaining only a single copy of each read. PCR duplicates will have the same UMI and start position (after correcting for soft clipping) on the same chromosome and strand.
- SAM file sorted by chromosome/position (samtools sort)
- Text file with a list of UMIs (will assume random UMIs if file not provided)
- argparse options:
: required arg, absolute file path of SAM file-p
: optional arg, designates file is paired end (not yet implemented)-u
: optional arg, designates file containing the list of UMIs (unset if randomers instead of UMIs)-q
: optional arg, will output duplicate read of highest average quality (if unset, will output first duplicate encountered)
- SAM file with PCR duplicates removed
- {filename}_deduped.sam
- Summary statistics
- number of dups removed
- number of reads with invalid UMIs
- number of unique reads per chromosome