This project is an ebook version of a famous Chinese blog that writes about classic programming questions.
The blog received over 5.5 million page views since October 2010 and a considerable amount of questions and improvements have been suggested during the years.
The author (July) felt that he can no longer answer all the questions and review all the improvements alone so he decided to create this project where everyone can enhance and expand the contents of his blog.
The author also decided to make an English version so our collaborative work can be shared with the world.
- 中文目录 Enhancement in progress
- English Contents Translation in progress
- 添补剩下的章节,即把博客上的原文序员编程艺术第一~三十八章同步移到本github上,请参考本书中文目录未完成的章节
- 指正 bug
- 优化原有代码,可以直接在原代码上进行修改优化
- 重绘所有的图片:julycoding#80
- 若添加其它语言的代码,勿直接添加在原文上,可以放在 ebook/code 的代码文件夹内
- 翻译成英文版,参考中文目录,把翻译后的文章编辑到这English Version,注:不必逐字翻译,精简大气即可(如有兴趣翻译,请到这里领取感兴趣的章节翻译:julycoding#84 )
- 自己主导续写新的章节,如第三十九章;
- 任何你想做的事情。
为示鼓励,所有贡献了本 github 的朋友,可以随时向 July 索取他博客内所有博文集锦的最新CHM文件,或任何一个系列的最新PDF或WORD。
最后, 感谢所有贡献的朋友,并非常期待你的加入: 。