import { Button, Loader } from "@doruk/components"
const aButton = () => (
<Button accent="success">
Hello world!
const aLoader = () => (
<Loader size="md" fill="rebeccapurple" />
const overlayedLoader = () => (
bg: { color: "rgba(0,0,0,.5)", tint: 9 }
const yetAnotherLoader = () => (
prop | type | description | default |
accent | string | one of; primary, secondary, success, error, warning | primary |
prop | type | description | default |
fullscreen | string|{color,tint} | overlay loader over <body> | {color:"mistyrose",tint:3} |
fill | string | fill of the SVG elements | - |
stroke | string | stroke of the SVG elements | - |
size | string | one of; xs, sm, md, lg, xl | sm |
variant | string | one of: spin1, spin2, spin3, rect1, rect2, rect3, rect4, rect5 | spin1 |
Ul Li Main P Span Nav Div Section H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 A Article Aside Audio B Br Caption Code Footer Header Hr I Iframe Img Input Li Main Ol Option P Picture Pre Progress Select Source Table Tbody Td Textarea Tfoot Th Thead Tr U Ul Video
import { Normalize, Reset, Main } from "@doruk/components"
const App = () => (
<Reset />
<Normalize />
import { normalize, reset, Section } from "@doruk/components"
const GlobalStyle = styled.createGlobalStyle`
const App = () => (
<GlobalStyle />
<script src=""></script>
Then the library is available as _components; i.e. window._components.Button