Releases: d3/d3-zoom
Releases · d3/d3-zoom
- Adopt type: module.
- Update dependencies.
- Make build reproducible.
- Declare wheel listener as non-passive. #225
- Fix variable initialization error. #235
- Expose ZoomTransform constructor. #191
This package now requires Node.js 12 or higher. For more, please read Sindre Sorhus’s FAQ.
- Add zoom.tapDistance. #180
- Change zoom.on to pass the event directly to listeners.
- Change the default zoom.filter to observe wheel events if the control key is pressed. #204 #213
- Change the default zoom.wheelDelta to go faster if the control key is pressed. #204 #213
- Don‘t set touch-action: none. #206
- Upgrade to d3-selection 2.
See for an example.
This release adopts ES2015 language features such as for-of and drops support for older browsers, including IE. If you need to support pre-ES2015 environments, you should stick with d3-brush 1.x or use a transpiler.
- Add optional point to zoom.transform and related methods. #184
- Fix d3.zoomTransform to inherit the transform from the closest ancestor, if any.
- Fix default zoom.extent to consider the SVG viewBox. #177
- Fix default zoom.filter to ignore control-click. #181
- Fix default zoom.touchable if navigator.maxTouchPoints. #162
- Fix default zoom.wheelDelta if deltaMode !== 0. #157 Thanks, @Dakkaron!
- Fix handling of filtered multitouch gestures. #124 #176 Thanks, @robinhouston and @testower!
- Fix handling of orphaned gestures. #60
- Fix emitting of end event when wheel events are ignored. #158 Thanks, @Herst!
- Fix emitting of zoom events during dbltap gestures. #75 Thanks, @cambecc!
- Update dependencies.
- Adopt exact paths for imports.
- Adopt explicit files for publishing.