linopy is an open-source python package that facilitates optimization with real world data. It builds a bridge between data analysis packages like xarray & pandas and problem solvers like cbc, gurobi (see the full list below). Linopy supports Linear, Integer, Mixed-Integer and Quadratic Programming while aiming to make linear programming in Python easy, highly-flexible and performant.
linopy is heavily based on xarray which allows for many flexible data-handling features:
- Define (arrays of) contnuous or binary variables with coordinates, e.g. time, consumers, etc.
- Apply arithmetic operations on the variables like adding, substracting, multiplying with all the broadcasting potentials of xarray
- Apply arithmetic operations on the linear expressions (combination of variables)
- Group terms of a linear expression by coordinates
- Get insight into the clear and transparent data model
- Modify and delete assigned variables and constraints on the fly
- Use lazy operations for large linear programs with dask
- Choose from different commercial and non-commercial solvers
- Fast import and export a linear model using xarray's netcdf IO
So far linopy is available on the PyPI repository
pip install linopy
or on conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge linopy
Linopy aims to make optimization programs transparent and flexible. To illustrate its usage, let's consider a scenario where we aim to minimize the cost of buying apples and bananas over a week, subject to daily and weekly vitamin intake constraints.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import linopy
>>> m = linopy.Model()
>>> days = pd.Index(['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri'], name='day')
>>> apples = m.add_variables(lower=0, name='apples', coords=[days])
>>> bananas = m.add_variables(lower=0, name='bananas', coords=[days])
>>> apples
Variable (day: 5)
[Mon]: apples[Mon] ∈ [0, inf]
[Tue]: apples[Tue] ∈ [0, inf]
[Wed]: apples[Wed] ∈ [0, inf]
[Thu]: apples[Thu] ∈ [0, inf]
[Fri]: apples[Fri] ∈ [0, inf]
Add daily vitamin constraints
>>> m.add_constraints(3 * apples + 2 * bananas >= 8, name='daily_vitamins')
Constraint `daily_vitamins` (day: 5):
[Mon]: +3 apples[Mon] + 2 bananas[Mon] ≥ 8
[Tue]: +3 apples[Tue] + 2 bananas[Tue] ≥ 8
[Wed]: +3 apples[Wed] + 2 bananas[Wed] ≥ 8
[Thu]: +3 apples[Thu] + 2 bananas[Thu] ≥ 8
[Fri]: +3 apples[Fri] + 2 bananas[Fri] ≥ 8
Add weekly vitamin constraint
>>> m.add_constraints((3 * apples + 2 * bananas).sum() >= 50, name='weekly_vitamins')
Constraint `weekly_vitamins`
+3 apples[Mon] + 2 bananas[Mon] + 3 apples[Tue] ... +2 bananas[Thu] + 3 apples[Fri] + 2 bananas[Fri] ≥ 50
Define the prices of apples and bananas and the objective function
>>> apple_price = [1, 1.5, 1, 2, 1]
>>> banana_price = [1, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.5]
>>> m.objective = apple_price * apples + banana_price * bananas
Finally, we can solve the problem and get the optimal solution:
>>> m.solve()
>>> m.objective.value
... and display the solution as a pandas DataFrame
>>> m.solution.to_pandas()
apples bananas
Mon 2.667 0
Tue 0 4
Wed 0 9
Thu 0 4
Fri 0 4
linopy supports the following solvers
Note that these do have to be installed by the user separately.
If you use Linopy in your research, please cite the following paper:
- Hofmann, F., (2023). Linopy: Linear optimization with n-dimensional labeled variables. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(84), 4823,
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
doi = {10.21105/joss.04823},
url = {},
year = {2023}, publisher = {The Open Journal},
volume = {8},
number = {84},
pages = {4823},
author = {Fabian Hofmann},
title = {Linopy: Linear optimization with n-dimensional labeled variables},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}
Copyright 2021 Fabian Hofmann
This package is published under MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.