Repository holding the implementation for GROWL - Group Detection With Link Prediction
When using this code and/or the RICA dataset, please cite the following works:
title={RICA: Robocentric Indoor Crowd Analysis Dataset},
author={Schmuck, Viktor and Celiktutan, Oya},
title={GROWL: Group Detection With Link Prediction},
author={Schmuck, Viktor and Celiktutan, Oya},
booktitle={2021 16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2021)},
- Download or clone the repository
- Set up an environment with python 3.9
- Install the following packages (indicating latest tested compatible versions):
- pandas==1.3.5
- matplotlib==3.5.1
- scipy==1.7.3
- numpy==1.22.1
- dgl==0.6.1
- torch==1.10.1
- networkx==2.6.3
- scikit-learn==1.0.2
conda create --name growl_pub python=3.9
pip install pandas matplotlib scipy numpy dgl torch networkx scikit-learn
For multiple tests, run
, changing the parameters in lines 20-33 as you see fit.
These are described below:
: number of features to create during embeddingepochs
: number of epoch to train forbalanced
: whether only training runs with balanced negative and positive edge samples should be executed. Set tobalanced=''
if not.string_end
: how the output csv filename should end, usually a dateablation
: if an ablation test should be executed. Choose a corresponding index from theablations
: choose which dataset the tests should be executed on. Choose a corresponding index from thetest_on_options
: how many iterations of the test should be executed.
It's also possible to execute individual tests by calling (e.g.):
python -f 20 -e 100 -s 20220121 -t all_salsa -a no -b
Command line parameter usage:
usage: [-h] [-f FEATS] [-e EPOCHS] [-s STRING_END] [-t {ps,cpp,all_salsa,rica,rica_yolo}] [-a {no,ori,edg}] [-b] [-p] [--yolo_acc] [--yolo_to_gt]
To perform tests with GROWL, decide which data to test on and whether this is an ablation test.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FEATS, --feats FEATS
Sets the number of features to create an embedding for.
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
Sets the numebr of epochs to train GROWL for.
-s STRING_END, --string_end STRING_END
The postfix of the results filename.
-t {ps,cpp,all_salsa,rica,rica_yolo}, --test {ps,cpp,all_salsa,rica,rica_yolo}
Which dataset to test on.
-a {no,ori,edg}, --ablation {no,ori,edg}
Is this a test involving ablation?
-b, --balance_samples
Enable sample balancing to discard runs if there is too big of an imbalance between positive and negative edge counts.
-p, --plot Enable plotting the graphs produced during the tests.
--yolo_acc Print YOLOv4 detection accuracy compared to RICA's ground truth. Only has an effect if test=rica_yolo.
--yolo_to_gt When testing on YOLOv4 detections, calculate F1-scores of detected groups compared to the GT detections.