0xFF-BMK-webstatus for EdgeRouters / EdgePoints including Let's-Encrypt scripts to install and renew certificate
Use this EdgeRouter-Wizard to install and manage functions of this package: https://github.com/pocki80/ER-wizard-0xFF-WSLE
Version 4.5 installs without the need to change Original-Server http/https-ports. You can adopt all 4 port settings from within the wizard afterwards. Anyway, on initial install, http:80 will be moved to http:81 to better support cgi-bin-status API.
Adds a Status-Page
- Node-Status with olsrd links, vlan1100 devices, traceroute to 0xFF-gateway
- OLSRv2 Tab with neighbors, traceroute, default-route
- Port-table with connected devices
- json status API
Possible GET-Params
- default: show olsr-status, 1100 devices, traceroute, port-table
- get=status --> json output with devices of vlan 1100
- get=phpinfo
- get=devices same like status, but as plain text
Let's Encrypt starting Version 4.0
- registeres a LetsEncrypt-Cerificate for the publix FQDN (active internet connection needed)
- monthly renewal cronjob (active internet connection needed)
Parameters directly in php source coude header:
- $interface_1100_list: names of management interfaces/vlans to scann devices for
- $get_nslookup_from_nodedb: lookup IPs from Funkfeuer Map data source (DNS, HNA, MID, node names)
- $show_link_to_adminlogin: add link to default EdgeMax login-page (including customized https-port!)
- $traceroute_to: IP-address destination for traceroute table
- $traceroute6_to: IPv6-address destination for traceroute6 table
Build link: Wizard: https://github.com/pocki80/ER-wizard-0xFF-WSLE