2024.djangocon.eu Public
Forked from djangocon/2024.djangocon.euCSS MIT License UpdatedJan 10, 2024 -
grappelli-side-menu Public
Side menu for Grappelli, the Django admin Interface
event-stream Public archive
Get a stream of tweets or messages from a Slack channel for a specific event.
Python UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
django-dynamic-preferences Public
Forked from agateblue/django-dynamic-preferencesDynamic global and instance settings for your django project
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 2, 2019 -
django Public
Forked from django/djangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 13, 2019 -
django-push-notifications Public
Forked from jazzband/django-push-notificationsSend push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 19, 2015 -
cookiecutter-djangopackage Public
Forked from pydanny/cookiecutter-djangopackageA cookiecutter template for creating reusable Django packages quickly.
Python UpdatedApr 25, 2014 -
Sphinx-HTTP-domain Public
Forked from deceze/Sphinx-HTTP-domainSphinx domain to mark up RESTful web services in ReST.
Python Other UpdatedMar 24, 2014 -
djangome Public
Forked from djangome/djangomeCode that drives http://django.me/. Be gentle.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 1, 2013 -
Instagram_hasher Public
A script to help you generate hashtags for your instgram picture
django-twoscoops-project Public
Forked from twoscoops/django-twoscoops-projectThe sample project layout from the book, "Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.5"
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 8, 2013 -
python-vuforia Public
Forked from j-white/python-vuforiaPython based library for interacting with the Vuforia Web Services API (VWS API)
django-admin2 Public
Forked from jazzband/django-admin2Extendable, adaptable rewrite of django.contrib.admin
django-cart Public
Forked from bmentges/django-cartDjango simple shopping cart solution, with tests :)
Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 2, 2013 -