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A simple Vue 3 type-ahead input component that shows a list of suggested items based on the user input



Using npm

npm install vue3-typeahead-input

Using yarn

yarn add vue3-typeahead-input


Import vue3-typeahead-input component globally. You can import default CSS of the component if you want.

import App from './App.vue';
import TypeaheadInput from 'vue3-typeahead-input';
import 'vue3-typeahead-input/dist/style.css'; //Optional default CSS

let app = createApp(App)
app.component('TypeaheadInput', TypeaheadInput)

...Or import vue3-typeahead-input component locally in component you want.

import TypeaheadInput from 'vue3-typeahead-input'
import 'vue3-typeahead-input/dist/style.css'; //Optional default CSS

export default {
    name: 'YourComponentName',
    components: {

Use component in template


<script setup>
    import { ref } from 'vue';
    const items = [
            text:'Item 1',
            value: 'item-1'
            text:'Item 2',
            value: 'item-2'
            text:'Item 3',
            value: 'item-3'
    const selectedItem = ref('item-3')


Property Type Description Default
items Array An array of objects or array of primary types like string or number. It will look for a text and value keys. This can be changed using the item-text, item-value []
item-text string Set property of items’s text value text
item-value string Set property of items’s value. In case skip-item-value is true the value will be used to set option item key value
skip-item-value boolean Get whole object item as a value
label string Label of typeahead input undefined
value any Value of typeahead input undefined
readonly boolean Set state of input is readonly undefined
disabled boolean Set state of input is disabled, it's similar to readonly props but has different style undefined
value any Value of typeahead input undefined
emptyMessage string Display message when there is no data No data available

Fallthrough attributes

All attributes added to the component not provided above fallthrough the input control. For example, placeholder, maxlength... or input events @input, @focus...Check out more details at the demo


Name Description
@change Emitted when the input is changed by user interaction
@update:modelValue The updated bound model


Name Description
option-item Define a custom option item appearance v-slot:option-item={item, value}


Name Description
input Input element