maxiko / qualinsight-plugins-sonarqube-badges
Forked from QualInsight/qualinsight-plugins-sonarqube-badgesPlugin for SonarQube that generates badges displaying information about a project's or view's quality. Even if project private.
A repo for running deepracer locally
DeepRacer workshop content
An extensive tutorial on RxJava
mlhaarika / cwac-camera
Forked from cookbrite/cwac-cameraThis public fork of CWAC-Camera library concentrates on providing camera preview and photo review screens that are locked to portrait orientation. Our use of the library is limited to certain code …
cookbrite / cwac-camera
Forked from gb1/cwac-cameraThis public fork of CWAC-Camera library concentrates on providing camera preview and photo review screens that are locked to portrait orientation. Our use of the library is limited to certain code …
jdonmoyer / deckard-gradle
Forked from cyrret/deckard-gradleModification of deckard-gradle, a simple template project for test-driven Android development using Robolectric, Espresso and Gradle updated to reflect the ideas expressed at…
alexeyxo / protobuf-objc
Forked from redbooth/protobuf-objcGoogle Protocol Buffers for Objective-C
littleinc / DiskLruCache
Forked from JakeWharton/DiskLruCacheJava implementation of a Disk-based LRU cache which specifically targets Android compatibility.