You are to demonstrate that you know how to use basic HTML and CSS by building a responsive single page marketing webpage for one of these three companies:
Road Warriors - Bike shop
Cozy Corner - Book store
Calm Mind - Spa
You will use one of these companies as a guide for your content. For design, you will need to find a website that you admire as a guide for layout. You will then combine the company content and the layout of the website you admire to create a single page marketing site.
These project requirements directly impact the grading rubric, so read them carefully:
Pick one of the three companies in the project description as your client
Pick which website you admire to mimic for layout, you will provide the URL at the bottom of the readme file
You must have images and headings matching your clients content theme. Everything else can be filler text (lorem ipsum)
Build a 1 page marketing web page based on your decided client and layout. Your final website must closely match the website layout that you admired
Your website must have 1 breakpoint for mobile devices at 500px, stack your content vertically so you don't have horizontal scroll bars on mobile devices
Your project must be submitted via git
Images and content can be frustrating to find and use in any project. To alleviate your time on design, consider using these resources so you can focus on the code:
For copyright free images, you can use
For filler text use a lorem ipsum generator
We will be using git throughout the semester. Each project much be forked and cloned to get started.
Fork and clone this repo:
You have been provided a bare bones website starter folder (website folder). Use index.html as a starting point for your HTML and index.css for your CSS
Build your website following the project requirements as your guide
Provide the URL of the website you mimicked at the bottom of the readme file
When you have completed the website, submit your repository URL
The URL you used for layout is: