azurechat Public
Forked from microsoft/azurechat🤖 💼 Azure Chat Solution Accelerator powered by Azure Open AI Service
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2024 -
AutoGPT Public
Forked from Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPTAn experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
AI-102-AIEngineer Public
Forked from MicrosoftLearning/AI-102-AIEngineerLab files for AI-102 - AI Engineer
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2023 -
AZ-204-DevelopingSolutionsforMicrosoftAzure Public
Forked from MicrosoftLearning/AZ-204-DevelopingSolutionsforMicrosoftAzureAZ-204: Developing solutions for Microsoft Azure
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2023 -
gpt4all Public
Forked from nomic-ai/gpt4allgpt4all: a chatbot trained on a massive collection of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue
Python UpdatedMar 29, 2023 -
szkolenie-k8s-agh Public
Forked from cloudstateu/otwarte-szkolenie-k8s-online -
GCP-AutoMLVision-ClassifyImagesofClouds Public
Forked from IamVigneshC/GCP-AutoMLVision-ClassifyImagesofCloudsAutoML Vision provides an interface for all the steps in training an image classification model and generating predictions on it.
UpdatedAug 30, 2020 -
Event generator for homework week 7 Azure Data Engineer program by Szkola Chmury
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 3, 2020 -
cnn-voice-transfer Public
Voice style transfer based on CNN and FFT.
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning Public
Forked from CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-CloningClone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
Python Other UpdatedJan 27, 2020 -
deep-voice-conversion Public
Forked from andabi/deep-voice-conversionDeep neural networks for voice conversion (voice style transfer) in Tensorflow
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 31, 2019 -
istio-on-gke-tutorial Public
Forked from meteatamel/istio-on-gke-tutorialA tutorial showing how to use Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2019 -
teachable-machine Public
Forked from googlecreativelab/teachable-machine-v1Explore how machine learning works, live in the browser. No coding required.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 21, 2018 -
azure-maps-samples Public
Forked from dtabuencav/location-based-services-samplesAzure Location Based Services samples
HTML MIT License UpdatedJul 7, 2018 -