Computer Scientist,WindSurfer.1989:Public State University FRANCE BSc MSc Maîtrise Informatique.1992:27e BCA FAR Tireur d'Elite FRF2 1eCie de Combat 1eSct 1eGrp
Scheme+ for Racket in R6RS
SRFI 105 Curly Infix for Racket Scheme
SCReenshOT - command line screen capture utility
Scheme+ for Guile by Damien Mattei
Scheme+ for Racket by Damien Mattei
Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning: training an artificial neural network using backpropagation with gradient descent .
vision3D python, Python version of Vision 3D C++, still a lot to do...
Vision 3D is a 3D engine used in a pedagogic way to learn the basis of 3D computation, there exist faster 3D engine such as openGL,GPU,etc. The project first started on a Apple II in BASIC for ray …