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Minor refactorings.
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Signed-off-by: Jerome Maloberti <[email protected]>
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jeromemaloberti committed Apr 13, 2014
1 parent 1e6f859 commit 5770ee4
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Showing 2 changed files with 152 additions and 176 deletions.
210 changes: 96 additions & 114 deletions obuild/
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Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ let set_lib_profiling v () = gconf.conf_library_profiling <- v
let set_lib_debugging v () = gconf.conf_library_debugging <- v
let set_exe_profiling v () =
gconf.conf_executable_profiling <- v;
gconf.conf_library_profiling <- v
if v then gconf.conf_library_profiling <- v
let set_exe_debugging v () =
gconf.conf_executable_debugging <- v;
gconf.conf_library_debugging <- v
if v then gconf.conf_library_debugging <- v
let set_lib_native v () = gconf.conf_library_native <- v
let set_lib_plugin v () = gconf.conf_library_plugin <- v;
if v then set_lib_native v ()
Expand All @@ -30,6 +30,25 @@ let set_build_examples v () = gconf.conf_build_examples <- v
let set_build_tests v () = gconf.conf_build_tests <- v
let set_build_benchs v () = gconf.conf_build_benchs <- v

let all_options = [
("executable-profiling", (fun () -> gconf.conf_executable_profiling), set_exe_profiling);
("executable-debugging", (fun () -> gconf.conf_executable_debugging), set_exe_debugging);
("executable-native", (fun () -> gconf.conf_executable_native), set_exe_native);
("executable-bytecode", (fun () -> gconf.conf_executable_bytecode), set_exe_bytecode);
("executable-as-obj", (fun () -> gconf.conf_executable_as_obj), set_exe_as_obj);

("library-profiling", (fun () -> gconf.conf_library_profiling), set_lib_profiling);
("library-debugging", (fun () -> gconf.conf_library_debugging), set_lib_debugging);
("library-native", (fun () -> gconf.conf_library_native), set_lib_native);
("library-bytecode", (fun () -> gconf.conf_library_bytecode), set_lib_bytecode);
("library-plugin", (fun () -> gconf.conf_library_plugin), set_lib_plugin);

("build-benchs", (fun () -> gconf.conf_build_benchs), set_build_benchs);
("build-tests", (fun () -> gconf.conf_build_tests), set_build_tests);
("build-examples", (fun () -> gconf.conf_build_examples), set_build_examples);
("annot", (fun () -> gconf.conf_annot), set_annot);

let getDigestKV () =
let digest = Project.digest () in
[ ("obuild-digest", digest) ]
Expand All @@ -52,110 +71,89 @@ let generateCFile project file flags =
) flags;

let makeSetup digestKV project = hashtbl_fromList
( digestKV
let makeSetup digestKV project = hashtbl_fromList (
@ hashtbl_toList project.Analyze.project_ocamlcfg
@ [ ("executable-profiling", string_of_bool gconf.conf_executable_profiling)
; ("executable-debugging", string_of_bool gconf.conf_executable_debugging)
; ("executable-native", string_of_bool gconf.conf_executable_native)
; ("executable-bytecode", string_of_bool gconf.conf_executable_bytecode)
; ("library-profiling", string_of_bool gconf.conf_library_profiling)
; ("library-debugging", string_of_bool gconf.conf_library_debugging)
; ("library-native", string_of_bool gconf.conf_library_native)
; ("library-plugin", string_of_bool gconf.conf_library_plugin)
; ("library-bytecode", string_of_bool gconf.conf_library_bytecode)
; ("executable-as-obj", string_of_bool gconf.conf_executable_as_obj)
; ("build-benchs", string_of_bool gconf.conf_build_benchs)
; ("build-tests", string_of_bool gconf.conf_build_tests)
; ("build-examples", string_of_bool gconf.conf_build_examples)
; ("annot", string_of_bool gconf.conf_annot)
@ ( (fun (opt,conf,_) -> (opt, string_of_bool (conf ()))) all_options)
@ (fun (flagname,flagval) -> ("flag-" ^ flagname, string_of_bool flagval)) gconf.conf_user_flags

let sanityCheck setup =
let (_: string) = Prog.getOcamlOpt () in
let (_: string) = Prog.getOcamlC () in
let (_: string) = Prog.getOcamlDep () in

let comparekvs reason setup l =
List.iter (fun (k,v) ->
let v' = Hashtbl.find setup k in
if v' <> v then
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
with Not_found ->
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
) l

let comparekvs_hashtbl reason setup l =
Hashtbl.iter (fun k v ->
let v' = Hashtbl.find setup k in
if v' <> v then
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
with Not_found ->
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
) l

let run projFile tweakFlags =
Dist.checkOrCreate ();
let digestKV = getDigestKV () in

let flagsVal = (fun flag ->
let name = flag.Project.flag_name in
let def = flag.Project.flag_default in

let override = ref None in
List.iter (fun tw ->
match tw with
| ClearFlag s -> if s = name then override := Some false
| SetFlag s -> if s = name then override := Some true
) tweakFlags;

match (!override, def) with
| (None, None) -> (name, false)
| (None, Some v) -> (name, v)
| (Some v, _) -> (name, v)
) projFile.Project.flags
verbose Debug " configure flag: [%s]\n" (Utils.showList "," (fun (n,v) -> n^"="^string_of_bool v) flagsVal);
gconf.conf_user_flags <- flagsVal;

let syspath = Utils.get_system_paths () in
List.iter (fun tool ->
try let _ = Utils.find_in_paths syspath tool in ()
with Utils.FileNotFoundInPaths _ -> raise (ToolNotFound tool)
) projFile.Project.extra_tools;

let project = Analyze.prepare projFile in

let currentSetup = makeSetup digestKV project in
let actualSetup = try Some (Dist.read_setup ()) with _ -> None in
let projectSystemChanged =
match actualSetup with
| None -> true
| Some stp ->
(* TODO harcoded for now till we do all the checks. *)
try comparekvs "setup" stp (hashtbl_toList currentSetup); (* FORCED should be false *) true
with _ -> true

if projectSystemChanged then (
(* write setup file *)
verbose Verbose "configuration changed, deleting dist\n%!";
Filesystem.removeDirContent (Dist.getDistPath ());

verbose Verbose "Writing new setup\n%!";
Dist.write_setup currentSetup;

verbose Verbose "auto-generating configuration files\n%!";
let autogenDir = Dist.createBuildDest Dist.Autogen in
generateMlFile project (autogenDir </> fn "") flagsVal;
generateCFile project (autogenDir </> fn "obuild_macros.h") flagsVal;
let comparekvs reason setup l = List.iter (fun (k,v) ->
let v' = Hashtbl.find setup k in
if v' <> v then
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
with Not_found ->
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
) l

let comparekvs_hashtbl reason setup l = Hashtbl.iter (fun k v ->
let v' = Hashtbl.find setup k in
if v' <> v then
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
with Not_found ->
raise (ConfigChanged reason)
) l

let create_dist project flags =
verbose Verbose "configuration changed, deleting dist\n%!";
Filesystem.removeDirContent (Dist.getDistPath ());
verbose Verbose "auto-generating configuration files\n%!";
let autogenDir = Dist.createBuildDest Dist.Autogen in
generateMlFile project (autogenDir </> fn "") flags;
generateCFile project (autogenDir </> fn "obuild_macros.h") flags

let get_flags_value proj_file user_flags = (fun flag ->
let name = flag.Project.flag_name in
let def = flag.Project.flag_default in
let override = ref None in
List.iter (fun tw -> match tw with
| ClearFlag s -> if s = name then override := Some false
| SetFlag s -> if s = name then override := Some true
) user_flags;
match (!override, def) with
| (None, None) -> (name, false)
| (None, Some v) -> (name, v)
| (Some v, _) -> (name, v)
) proj_file.Project.flags

let run proj_file user_flags =
Dist.checkOrCreate ();
let digestKV = getDigestKV () in
let flags = get_flags_value proj_file user_flags in
verbose Debug " configure flag: [%s]\n" (Utils.showList "," (fun (n,v) -> n^"="^string_of_bool v) flags);
gconf.conf_user_flags <- flags;

let syspath = Utils.get_system_paths () in
List.iter (fun tool ->
try let _ = Utils.find_in_paths syspath tool in ()
with Utils.FileNotFoundInPaths _ -> raise (ToolNotFound tool)
) proj_file.Project.extra_tools;

let project = Analyze.prepare proj_file in
let currentSetup = makeSetup digestKV project in
let actualSetup = try Some (Dist.read_setup ()) with _ -> None in
let projectSystemChanged = match actualSetup with
| None -> true
| Some stp ->
(* TODO harcoded for now till we do all the checks. *)
try comparekvs "setup" stp (hashtbl_toList currentSetup); (* FORCED should be false *) true
with _ -> true

if projectSystemChanged then (
create_dist project flags;
(* write setup file *)
verbose Verbose "Writing new setup\n%!";
Dist.write_setup currentSetup

exception ConfigurationMissingKey of string
exception ConfigurationTypeMismatch of string * string * string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,23 +184,7 @@ let check () =
) setup;

(* load the environment *)
set_lib_profiling (bool_of_opt "library-profiling") ();
set_lib_debugging (bool_of_opt "library-debugging") ();
set_lib_native (bool_of_opt "library-native") ();
set_lib_plugin (bool_of_opt "library-plugin") ();
set_lib_bytecode (bool_of_opt "library-bytecode") ();

set_exe_profiling (bool_of_opt "executable-profiling") ();
set_exe_debugging (bool_of_opt "executable-debugging") ();
set_exe_native (bool_of_opt "executable-native") ();
set_exe_bytecode (bool_of_opt "executable-bytecode") ();

set_exe_as_obj (bool_of_opt "executable-as-obj") ();

set_build_examples (bool_of_opt "build-examples") ();
set_build_benchs (bool_of_opt "build-benchs") ();
set_build_tests (bool_of_opt "build-tests") ();
set_annot (bool_of_opt "annot") ();
List.iter (fun (opt,_,set) -> set (bool_of_opt opt) ()) all_options;

let ver = string_split '.' (Hashtbl.find ocamlCfg "version") in
(match ver with
Expand Down

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