A repository of random stuff, created by dan-simon. (Readme last updated September 24, 2024.)
- The "fe000000" directory has a game I made called FE000000 which is complete and has been getting bugfixes and QoL improvements for several years. It's probably the best/longest game here (roughly a week of active play, though as an incremental a lot of that is waiting).
- The "5hours" directory has a game I made called "5 hours until the update" which was made somewhat earlier and is less polished. It's also shorter.
- The "b2" directory has a game I made called "Infinite Layers" (worse naming scheme) which has a relatively minimalist balancing design. It's somewhat less polished than the two above.
- The "smirt" and "trims" directories are not-very-worked on Trimps-like game prototypes, which may have bugs. I'm mostly keeping them in the main directory to have some game prototype examples there.
Notations are ways of representing numbers in incremental games.
- The "what-the-hex" directory has a guide to the specific notation of Hex notation.
- The "notation-information" directory has generally less detailed information on some other notations.
- The "hex-clock" and "hex-clock-2" directories have online clocks using Hex notation (the second having more QoL options).
- The "iroha" directory has an implementation of a notation called Iroha notation.
- The "saves" directory contains some FE000000 saves.
- The "big-number" directory contains a very simple and potentially buggy JS file to represent numbers over the JS number limit.
- The "go-but-not" directory has an implementation of a go-like game, together with a bot that (very badly) plays it.
- The "reduction" and "reduction-2-player" directories have (solitare/two-player) implementations of a game of clearing a board of all stones on it.
I did some not-very-organized investigation into the math of Simple Loop.
- The many directories with "sloop" or "simple_loop" in their name are various products of that research (solving interfaces, some information, a game where you solve simple loops).
Most of my puzzle stuff can be found in my "puzzles" repository, not here.
- The "dynastyword" directory has an implementation of a logic puzzle genre that is usually in Japanese, but can work without Japanese knowledge if you relax some word constraints.
- The "is-it-gph-yet" and "is-it-reddot-yet" directories have small untested hunts I made before those hunts, along with countdown times both of which are long zero (those hunts themselves were not written by me).
- The "probability" directory has some code that can do probability calculations with very small chances.
- The "status" directory has a sometimes-updated file with my current status.
- The "minor" directory has miscellaneous stuff of all these types that I wanted to store away for one reason or another (mostly just being lower-quality).