Weather Icons Lite is a collection of 57 weather themed icons, ready to be dropped right into Bootstrap, or any project that needs high quality weather based icons!
The icons are displayed by using an i
element and adding the base class wi
and then the icon class you want, so for example, using Wunderground's 'wu' prefix and their 'partlycloudy' icon key. This would then look like <i class="wi wi-wu-partlycloudy"></i>
The same format applies to Darksky & Openweathermap icon feeds; <i class="wi wi-darksky-clear-day"></i>
and <i class="wi wi-owm-01d"></i>
To add a modifier, include the class you want after the icon name, which looks like <i class="wi wi-wu-partlycloudy wi-flip-vertical"></i>
. You can flip, rotate, or add a fixed width. For further examples of how to apply different effects, see Font Awsome.
This set includes companion CSS files for popular weather service API. Presently there are complete CSS mappings for Darksky, Open Weather Map and Weather Underground.
The icon designs are originally by Lukas Bischoff. Additional Icon art & CSS by Erik Flowers.
Weather-icons-lite, CSS update & Node-red compatibility changes by me - Paul Reed.
- Weather Icons licensed under SIL OFL 1.1
- Code licensed under MIT License
- Documentation licensed under CC BY 3.0