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Dana SDK Integration Guide

Welcome to the Dana SDK Integration Guide. Follow the steps below to integrate the SDK into your Android project.


Ensure you have the latest version of Android Studio and your project is set up with Kotlin support.

Download the SDK

You can download the Dana SDK and explore the code through the links below:

Step 1: Add the SDK to Your Project

  1. Copy the danasdk-release.aar file into your project's app/libs directory.

  2. Open your module's build.gradle.kts file and add the following lines to the dependencies block:


Step 2: Add Required Dependencies

The SDK requires the following dependencies. Add them to your build.gradle.kts file inside the dependencies block:


Step 3: Sync Your Project

After adding the SDK and its dependencies, sync your project with Gradle files by clicking on File > Sync Project with Gradle Files in Android Studio.

Step 4: Add Permissions

If you haven't already, add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />

Step 5: Define a Kotlin Helper Class

Create a Kotlin helper class with a companion object that contains a static function to execute the Dana SDK. This is not required to create a separate class to execute Dana SDK. you can make it in your own way.

import com.danafintech.danasdk.config.DanaConfig
import com.danafintech.danasdk.config.DanaEnvironment
import com.danafintech.danasdk.config.DanaSdk
import com.danafintech.danasdk.config.User

class DanaSdkHelper {
   companion object {
      fun launchDanaSdk(phone:String, activity: Activity) {
         val config = DanaConfig(
            companyKey = "", // TODO: Replace
            user = User(
               phone = phone,
               firebaseToken = ""
            userData = mapOf(),
            environment = DanaEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT,
            showActionBar = false,
            showDanaDialog = false,
            onLogOut = {} // TODO: Implement your logout logic

Step 6: Launch Dana SDK

Now you can use the launchDanaSdk function from both Java and Kotlin to execute the Dana SDK. DanaSdkHelper.launchDanaSdk(application, this)

DanaSdkHelper.launchDanaSdk("USER_PHONE_NUMBER", this)

Step 7: ProGuard Rules

If you are using ProGuard, add the necessary rules for the Dana SDK and its dependencies to your file. Refer to the respective libraries' documentation for specific rules.

Step 8: Run Your Project

After completing the integration steps, run your project to test the Dana SDK.

Dana SDK Configuration


Replace the companyKey field with your company's specific identifier provided by Dana.


Provide the following information within the User object:

  • phone: The user's phone number.
  • firebaseToken: The Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) token for the user's device, if you want to notify users via Dana.


Specify the desired language for the Dana SDK (e.g., DanaLanguage.ENGLISH).


Set the environment variable (DANA_ENVIRONMENT) based on your application's deployment environment (e.g., DanaEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT or DanaEnvironment.PRODUCTION).

userData (Optional)

If you choose not to use Dana eKYC services and need to provide user profile data manually, replace placeholder values in the userData.profile map with actual user data:

  • name: User's full name.
  • name_bn: User's name in Bangla (if applicable).
  • email: User's email address.
  • nid: User's National ID (if applicable).
  • father_name: User's father's name.
  • father_name_bn: User's father's name in Bangla (if applicable).
  • mother_name: User's mother's name.
  • mother_name_bn: User's mother's name in Bangla (if applicable).
  • pre_addr: User's present address.
  • pre_addr_bn: User's present address in Bangla (if applicable).
  • per_addr: User's permanent address.
  • per_addr_bn: User's permanent address in Bangla (if applicable).
  • dob: User's date of birth (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD).
  • profession: User's profession or occupation.
  • photo: URL to the user's profile photo.


userData = mapOf(
    "variable" to mapOf<String, Any>(),
    "profile" to mapOf(
        "name" to "USER_NAME",
        "name_bn" to "USER_NAME_BANGLA",
        "email" to "USER_EMAIL",
        "nid" to "USER_NID",
        "father_name" to "USER_FATHER_NAME",
        "father_name_bn" to "USER_FATHER_NAME_BANGLA",
        "mother_name" to "USER_MOTHER_NAME",
        "mother_name_bn" to "USER_MOTHER_NAME_BANGLA",
        "pre_addr" to "USER_PRESENT_ADDRESS",
        "pre_addr_bn" to "USER_PRESENT_ADDRESS_BANGLA",
        "per_addr" to "USER_PERMANENT_ADDRESS",
        "per_addr_bn" to "USER_PERMANENT_ADDRESS_BANGLA",
        "dob" to "YYYY/MM/DD (USER_DATE_OF_BIRTH)",
        "profession" to "USER_PROFESSION",
        "photo" to "USER_PHOTO_URL"


Implement the onLogOut function to handle user logout events. This function will be called when the user logs out from the Dana SDK.


Dana SMS Sdk is integrated with Dana SDK. If you want to use Dana SMS SDK Separately, you can use the following code to run Dana SMS SDK.

fun runSmsSdk(activity: Activity) {
   (activity as? LifecycleOwner)?.lifecycleScope?.launch {
       val isSend =
       if (isSend) {
           Log.d("CreditScoreHelper", "Successfully submitted transaction data")
       } else {
           Log.d("CreditScoreHelper", "Failed to submit transaction data")

Verify Dana SMS SDK Integration

After successful integration, you can verify the SDK integration by running your application. You will get this type of data printed on your logcat.

CreditScoreHelper       your_package_name    I  Initializing Dana Credit Score Helper v2.1.8
CreditScoreHelper       your_package_name    I  SMS Analysis Done
CreditScoreHelper       your_package_name    I  SMS Analysis Report Sent Successfully
CreditScoreHelper       your_package_name    I  Count Analysis Done
CreditScoreHelper       your_package_name    I  Count Analysis Report Sent Successfully


For any issues or additional support, please contact our developer support team.

Thank you for choosing Dana SDK for your project!


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