A powerful API to create custom advancements for your minecraft server.
Spigot Page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/95585/
Download Page: https://frengor.com/UltimateAdvancementAPI/
UltimateAdvancementGenerator: https://escanortargaryen.dev/UltimateAdvancementGenerator/
Discord: https://discord.gg/BMg6VJk5n3
Official Wiki: https://github.com/frengor/UltimateAdvancementAPI/wiki/
Javadoc: https://frengor.com/javadocs/UltimateAdvancementAPI/latest/
Jenkins: https://jenkins.frengor.com/job/UltimateAdvancementAPI/
Get it with maven:
The plugin used for tests can be found here.
Feel free to open issues or pull requests. Feature requests can be done opening an issue, the enhancement
tag will be applied by maintainers.
For pull requests, use the formatting style settings present under .idea/codeStyles
Currently, the project is compiled for Java 16, although the minimum required Java version might change in future releases.
We consider changing the minimum required Java version a breaking change, so DO NOT expect it to be frequently modified.
In order to compile the code you must be using (at least) the Java version required by the last Minecraft version, since the project uses NMS.
This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later.
UltimateAdvancementAPI has been made by fren_gor and EscanorTargaryen.
The API uses the following libraries:
- EventManagerAPI (released under Apache-2.0 license) to handle events
- Libby (released under MIT license) to handle dependencies at runtime
- CommandAPI (released under MIT license) to add commands to the plugin version of the API
- HikariCP (released under Apache-2.0 license) to connect to MySQL databases
- bStats (the Java library is released under MIT license) to collect usage data (which can be found here) about the plugin version of the API