🤩 IPlayer —— A modern video player for vue2, which supports hls, flv and mp4.
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npm install -S vue-iplayer
<IPlayer src="https://d2zihajmogu5jn.cloudfront.net/sintel/master.m3u8"/>
import { IPlayer } from 'vue-iplayer'
export default {
components: {
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './index.vue';
import IPlayer from 'vue-iplayer';
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App),
:controlsList="['fastforward', 'shot', 'fullscreen', 'loop', 'rate']"
:controlsList="['fastforward', 'shot', 'fullscreen', 'loop', 'rate']"
:controlsList="['fastforward', 'shot', 'fullscreen', 'loop', 'rate']"
Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
src | the src of video, such as 'https://d2zihajmogu5jn.cloudfront.net/sintel/master.m3u8' | String | — | — |
height | height of the video. | String | — | 300 |
width | width of the video. | String | — | 500 |
autoplay | autoplay when loaded | Boolean | — | true |
controls | show control bar | Boolean | — | true |
muted | muted when starting playing | Boolean | — | true |
options | Prossible attributes of options: sources, controls, autoplay, muted. Remember that options has higher priority than other properties, for example, if you config muted: true and {options: {muted: false}}, it'll work as muted is true. | Object | — | true |
controlsList | new attribute of version 2.0. The meaning of each configuration item is listed below: rewind: rewind, which gap is defined by attribute "step"; shot: to show shot button, when click it, 'shot' event will be emitted; fastforwrad: fastforward, the same with rewind; fullscreen: vodeo is played in full screen ; loop: to loop when video ends playing; | Array | ['rewind', 'fastforward', 'shot', 'fullscreen', 'loop'] | ['rewind', 'fastforward', 'fullscreen', 'rate']; |
step | Configure the number of seconds to fast forward and rewind. | Number | — | 10 |
rates | config the playback rates. | Array | — | [1,1.5,2,2.5] |
volume | initial volume of this video, which value is in range of [0,1] | Number | — | 0.5 |
type | MSE type of the video, if type is empty, it will calculate the type by src. | String | hls/flv/mp4 | '' |
Event Name | Description | Parameters |
shot | fires when 'shot' button is clicked。 | {blob: ''} |
Transparent transmission of all events listed in MDN DOC with the same name. Includes:
- abort
- canplay
- canplaythrough
- durationchange
- emptied
- ended
- error
- loadeddata
- loadedmetadata
- loadstart
- pause
- play
- playing
- progress
- ratechange
- seeked
- seeking
- stalled
- suspend
- timeupdate
- volumechange
- waiting
Copyright (c) 2022-present, dqdandan