This is a Rust
based package to help with the management of
complex medicine (pill) management cycles.
notifies a person(s) via SMS
text message using a twillio
Many complex treatment plans for those with cancer and other problems
require various medications taken at all various times of the day,
and on various days during long cycle periods.
It is very challenging to manage these pills via classic "pill dispensers," as even this can be challenging and error-prone when filling the pill dispensers and it is easy to forget with a busy life.
See meds.json
for the configuration of multiple meds.
It more or less looks like ...
"number_of_cycles" : 8,
"cycle_start_date": "2023-11-28",
"lenght_of_cycles_in_days": 28,
"meds": [
"med_name": "Acyclovir",
"moring": "True",
"evening": "True",
"daily": "True",
"cycle_days": []
"med_name": "Dexamethazone",
"morning": true,
"evening": false,
"daily": false,
"cycle_days": [1,2,8,9,15,16,22,23]
}, ...
Using reepicheep
you can set your cycles and
specify their usages and intervals and then use
the SMS
notifications to help support your
cycles to reduce stress and anxiety about missing
or mistaking medications.
currently supports sending morning and
evening notifications in the central
timezone around
and 530pm
You must have a twillio
account and obtain the following creds,
which should be placed in a .env
file in your root. You will of
course need the from
phone number and the number you're sending
the message too.
Messages appear something like ...
Good morning! Please take your Acyclovir, Eliquis, and Dexamethazone.
works very well with SQLite
and reepicheep
uses SQLite
to easily track what medication notifications have been sent or not.
Simply cargo run --release
or cargo build ..