- Rome
LLM-Ops-Cohort-1 Public
Forked from AI-Maker-Space/LLM-Ops-Cohort-1Following emerging Large Language Model Operations (LLM Ops) best practices in the industry, you’ll learn all about the key technologies that enable Generative AI practitioners like you to leverage…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 11, 2024 -
quartz Public template
Forked from jackyzha0/quartz🌱 host your own second brain and digital garden for free
SCSS MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2023 -
Example setup described in https://medium.com/@_dani_salv/three-tutorials-to-boost-your-aws-cdk-python-and-typescript-lambda-development-7f0a27702656
TensorFlow.js — Handwritten digit recognition with CNNs (with React.js)
JavaScript UpdatedMar 3, 2023 -
get-aws-session-token Public
A simple Node.js command line wizard to generate AWS session tokens for MFA-enabled users.
aws-api-gateway-developer-portal Public
Forked from awslabs/aws-api-gateway-developer-portalA Serverless Developer Portal for easily publishing and cataloging APIs
planner Public
It helps you assign task to sprints, according to the team velocity, minimising the number of sprints
Skeleton of CRA and AWS Cognito integration, Oath 2.0 implicit flow.
kubernetes-course Public
Forked from wardviaene/kubernetes-courseKubernetes Course Files
CloudFormationCognitoCustomResources Public
Forked from n473-/CloudFormationCognitoCustomResourcesServerless version of CognitoUserPoolClientSettings and CognitoUserPoolDomain custom resources for AWS CloudFormation.
react-quiz Public
Forked from britishcouncil/react-quizQuiz component for React.
ec2-state-switcher Public
AWS Lambda function that will switch off/on your EC2 for you
serverless-memory-game Public
Serverless backend for Memory Game
react-memory-game Public
Memory Game implemented using create-react-app
serverless-express-rest-api Public
Serverless application based on AWS API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Express.js and Serverless Framework.
compare-images Public
Find the difference between one master image and others