go-ansicode is a package that interprets ANSI codes and allows you to register a handler to deal with the operations.
Operation | Description |
NUL | Null (NUL) character. |
SOH | Start of Heading (SOH). |
STX | Start of Text (STX). |
ETX | End of Text (ETX). |
EOT | End of Transmission (EOT). |
ENQ | Enquiry (ENQ). |
ACK | Acknowledge (ACK). |
BEL | Bell (BEL). |
BS | Backspace (BS). |
HT | Horizontal Tab (HT). |
LF | Line Feed (LF). |
VT | Vertical Tab (VT). |
FF | Form Feed (FF). |
CR | Carriage Return (CR). |
SO | Shift Out (SO). |
SI | Shift In (SI). |
DLE | Data Link Escape (DLE). |
XON | Device Control 1 (XON). |
DC2 | Device Control 2 (DC2). |
XOFF | Device Control 3 (XOFF). |
DC4 | Device Control 4 (DC4). |
NAK | Negative Acknowledge (NAK). |
SYN | Synchronous Idle (SYN). |
ETB | End of Transmission Block (ETB). |
CAN | Cancel (CAN). |
EM | End of Medium (EM). |
SUB | Substitute (SUB). |
ESC | Escape (ESC). |
FS | File Separator (FS). |
GS | Group Separator (GS). |
RS | Record Separator (RS). |
Operation | Description |
IND | Index - Move to the next line (Line Feed) |
NEL | Next Line - Line Feed followed by Carriage Return |
HTS | Horizontal Tab Set |
RI | Reverse Index - Move to the previous line |
DECID | Identify Terminal - Request for terminal identification |
RIS | Reset to Initial State - Reset all settings to defaults |
DECSC | Save Cursor - Save current cursor position and attributes |
DECRC | Restore Cursor - Restore cursor position and attributes |
DECALN | Alignment Test - Perform an alignment test |
DECKPAM | Keypad Application Mode - Enable Keypad Application Mode |
DECKPNM | Numeric Mode - Disable Keypad Application Mode |
CSI Sequence | Description |
CSI Ps ' |
Single-character tabulation set (HTS) |
CSI Ps @ |
Character tabulation with justification (CHA) |
CSI Ps A |
Line tabulation set (VTS) |
CSI Ps B |
Partial line forward (incomplete) |
CSI Ps b |
Repeat character (REP) |
CSI Ps C |
Cursor forward (CUF) |
CSI Ps c |
Send device attributes (DA) |
CSI Ps a |
Character position forward (CHA) |
CSI Ps D |
Cursor backward (CUB) |
CSI Ps d |
Vertical position absolute (VPA) |
CSI Ps E |
Next line (NEL) |
CSI Ps e |
Vertical position relative (VPR) |
CSI Ps F |
Previous line (RI) |
CSI Ps G |
Horizontal tab set (HTS) |
CSI Ps g |
Tab clear (TBC) |
CSI Ps ; Ps H |
Cursor position (CUP) |
CSI Ps ; Ps f |
Horizontal and vertical position (HVP) |
CSI Ps I |
Forward tabulation (HT) |
CSI Ps J |
Erase in display (ED) |
CSI Ps K |
Erase in line (EL) |
CSI Ps L |
Insert line (IL) |
CSI Ps l |
Reset mode (DEC) |
CSI ? Ps l |
DEC private mode reset |
CSI Ps M |
Delete line (DL) |
CSI Pm m |
Character attribute (SGR) |
CSI > Pp ; Pv m |
Select character protection attribute (DECSCPP) |
CSI ? Pp m |
Select media character set and invoke macro (DECSEL) |
CSI Ps n |
Device status report (DSR) |
CSI Ps P |
Delete character (DCH) |
CSI Ps SP q |
Select modifier and use bit combination (SMRM) |
CSI Ps ; Ps r |
Set top and bottom margins (DECSTBM) |
CSI Ps S |
Scroll up (SU) |
CSI s |
Save cursor position (SCP) |
CSI Ps T |
Scroll down (SD) |
CSI Ps t |
Window manipulation (DECSWT) |
CSI u |
Restore cursor position (RCP) |
CSI ? u |
DEC private mode reset |
CSI = Ps ; Ps u |
Set conformance level (DECSCL) |
CSI > Ps u |
Set ANSI conformance level (DECSASD) |
CSI < Ps u |
Set conformance level (DECSCL) |
CSI Ps X |
Erase character (ECH) |
CSI Ps Z |
Cursor back tabulation (CBT) |
OSC Sequence | Description |
OSC 0 ; Pt BEL |
Set icon name and window title |
OSC 2 ; Pt BEL |
Set window title |
OSC 4 ; c ; spec BEL |
Change color in palette (8/16 colors) |
OSC 8 ; params ; uri BEL |
Set hyperlinks |
OSC 10 ; Ps BEL |
Set foreground text color |
OSC 11 ; Ps BEL |
Set background text color |
OSC 12 ; Ps BEL |
Set cursor text color |
OSC 104 ; c BEL |
Reset color in palette (8/16 colors) |
OSC 110 BEL |
Reset icon name and window title |
OSC 111 BEL |
Reset window title |
OSC 112 BEL |
Reset color in palette (24-bit) |
go get -u github.com/danielgatis/go-ansicode
And then import the package in your code:
import "github.com/danielgatis/go-ansicode"
Please look at: examples/ansilog/main.go
❯ echo -ne "\033[31;42mThis text is red on a green background\033[0m\nbye" | go run ./examples/ansilog/main.go
SetTerminalCharAttribute {22 0x14000112018 <nil> <nil>}
SetTerminalCharAttribute {23 0x14000112020 <nil> <nil>}
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SetTerminalCharAttribute {0 <nil> <nil> <nil>}
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Copyright (c) 2023-present Daniel Gatis
Licensed under MIT License