This is a web scraper that extracts 2018-2019 NBA scores from
- The data is obtained through scraping the website using the following:
- Python (v. 3.6.7)
- Scrapy (v. 1.5.1)
- Splash (v. 0.7.2)
- The data is stored in a MongoDB database.
- The web scraping app is deployed on Heroku.
- You can access the scraped data using 2018-2019 NBA Scores API.
- You can access the code for the API here.
- The REST API is implemented using the following:
- Python (v. 3.6.7)
- Flask (v. 1.0.2)
- This API is connected to a MongoDB database to access the data.
- The API is deployed on Heroku.
- There's also an /auth route and a /register route for authentication and logging in. This requires Postman to use. For simplicity's sake, I removed the authentication requirements for the routes /team, /city, /date, /team_list, and /city_list.