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An afternoon project to help solidify how to create AngularJS components.

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Project Summary

In this project, we'll make use of Angular components and routing to complete a website that sells swag. The file structure has already been setup for you and should feel very familiar to the mini project. There are also two services that have been built out for you. One is the swag service, it holds all the data for swag that is available for purchase. The other service holds all the cart functionality. Take a minute to understand how the cart works before beginning the project.

In addition to the services, the Angular application has routing pre-built for you as well. This should be very similiar to the routing you've already practiced earlier in the course. The only difference here is in the router's configuration. When dealing with components you can actually provide the component's name in the router's configuration and it will automagically know which HTML to render.

It is imperative to feel comfortable with the existing code base before attempting this project. If you are having trouble, feel free to ask a fellow classmate or one of your mentors.

Live Example

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  • Run npm i.
  • Run npm run dev to start the development server.

Step 1


In this step, we'll build out the swag component. The swag component is responsible for displaying information about swag, such as price, color, size, etc. The swag component will act as a re-usable component and will be used in both the list and cart component.

In the swag component, there is a button available that a user can click. That button's action and label will have to be dynamic. When on the list view, we want that button to say 'details' and take a user to the detailed view of that swag. When on the cart view, we want that button to say 'remove' and remove the swag from the cart. Remember the title we passed down in the mini project? You can do the same for functions. When binding a function in the controller you use the & symbol. The other binding you haven't seen yet is < which is used for one-way data binding. We'll use this binding symbol for when we bind item ( item will be the swag object ).


  • Open app/swag/swag.component.js.
  • Create the skeleton of an Angular component:
    • Use swagShop as the application name.
    • Use swag as the component name.
  • Link the template into the component and set the component's controller as swagCtrl.
  • Add bindings for the following:
    • A < binding for item. item will be the swag object.
    • A & binding for action. action will be the dynamic action that was explained in the summary.
    • A @ binding for actionLabel. actionLabel will be the dynamic label that was explained in the summary.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/swag/swag.component.js and create the skeleton of Angular component. The syntax for a component follows: angular.module('APP_NAME_HERE').component('COMPONENT_NAME_HERE', {});.

angular.module('swagShop').component('swag', {


Inside the second argument's object we can specify the component's template HTML, controller name, and bindings. We can define a controller's template by using the templateUrl property. This should equal an absolute path to an HTML file. The template file for the swag component is kept in the same directory under the file name of swag.template.html.

angular.module('swagShop').component('swag', {
  templateUrl: 'app/swag/swag.template.html'

We can then specify the component's controller name by using the controllerAs property. This will change how we communicate with the controller in the template HTML. By default the controller is defined as $ctrl, but it is good practice to give your controllers more specific names. In this case, we should call it swagCtrl.

angular.module('swagShop').component('swag', {
  templateUrl: 'app/swag/swag.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'swagCtrl'

Lastly, we'll need to add some bindings so our template can make use of dynamic data. The swag component will recieve a swag object, an action ( this is just a function ), and an action label ( this is just a string ). Using the explanation of bindings in this step's summary, we'll end up with:

angular.module('swagShop').component('swag', {
  templateUrl: 'app/swag/swag.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'swagCtrl',
  bindings: {
    item: '<',
    action: '&',
    actionLabel: '@'


angular.module('swagShop').component('swag', {
  templateUrl: 'app/swag/swag.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'swagCtrl',
  bindings: {
    item: '<',
    action: '&',
    actionLabel: '@'

Step 2


In this step, we'll complete the template for the swag.template.html and link the swag component using a script tag in index.html.


  • Open app/services/swag.service.js for a reference of what properties exist on a swag object.
  • Open app/swag/swag.template.html.
  • Update the commented out sections to use the correct property from a swag object.
    • Hint: remember we bound the swag object on the controller property called item.
  • Update the button at the bottom of the template to use the action and action label.
    • Hint: remember we bound the action function and action label string in action and actionLabel.
  • Open index.html.
  • Add a new script tag for the swag component.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/swag/swag.template.html. In this template, we'll want to update the commented out sections to use the dynamic data on item, action, and actionLabel. We can take a look inside app/services/swag.service.js to be certain what properties will be on item. item will always have the following properties:

  id: string,
  title: string,
  color: string,
  size: string,
  price: number

Now that we know what properties are on item, the next thing to figure out is how we reference item inside the template HTML. Remember, in the previous step we set the controller name as swagCtrl. Therefore we can access any bindings on the controller by using swagCtrl.

<div class="swag-list__container">
  <div class="swag-list__content">

    <div class="swag-list__content-top">
      <h4>{{ swagCtrl.item.title }}</h4>
      <span>{{ swagCtrl.item.size }}</span>

    <div class="swag-list__content-bottom">
      <span>{{ swagCtrl.item.color }}</span>
      <span>${{ swagCtrl.item.price}}</span>

    <button class="swag__btn" 
      {{ swagCtrl.actionLabel }}

The last thing we'll need to update is the ng-click of the button to use our dynamic action:

<button class="swag__btn" 
  {{ swagCtrl.actionLabel }}

Now that our template and component are ready to go, it's time to add a new script tag in the index.html file:

<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>


<div class="swag-list__container">
  <div class="swag-list__content">

    <div class="swag-list__content-top">
      <h4>{{ swagCtrl.item.title }}</h4>
      <span>{{ swagCtrl.item.size }}</span>

    <div class="swag-list__content-bottom">
      <span>{{ swagCtrl.item.color }}</span>
      <span>${{ swagCtrl.item.price}}</span>

    <button class="swag__btn" 
            ng-click="swagCtrl.action()" >
index.html ( script section only )
<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>

Step 3


In this step, we'll build out the list component. The list component is responsible for displaying a list of swag that is available for purchase. In order to know which swag to list, we'll need to import the swag service into this component's controller.


  • Open app/app.js for reference to the application's router configuration.
  • Open app/list/list.component.js.
  • Create a component skeleton:
    • Use swagShop as the application name.
    • Call the component list.
  • Link the template into the component and set the component's controller as listCtrl.
  • Create a component controller function:
    • This controller should have the swag service injected into it.
    • This controller should have $state injected into it.
    • Assign an array called swag that equals the swag array in the swag service.
    • Assign a method called goToDetails:
      • This method should have an id parameter.
      • This method should call $state.go for the details route and use id for the route's id parameter.

goToDetails will act as the dynamic action that will be passed into the swag component. We'll see this happen in the next step.

Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/list/list.component.js and create an Angular component skeleton.

angular.module('swagShop').component('list', {


Just like we did earlier, we'll need to link the template file and set the controller name as listCtrl.

angular.module('swagShop').component('list', {
  templateUrl: 'app/list/list.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'listCtrl'

Unlike the swag component, this list component will need a controller function. We can create a controller function by using the controller property. Since this component will need to list out all the swag available, we'll need to inject the swag service into this controller. We will also need to inject $state into this controller so that we can create a method that routes to details.

angular.module('swagShop').component('list', {
  templateUrl: 'app/list/list.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'listCtrl',

  controller: function( swagSrvc, $state ) {


When dealing with components you can assign values to the controller that the template will then be able to make use of. We do this with the this keyword. Let's assign swag to the controller. swag should equal the swag array in the swag service.

angular.module('swagShop').component('list', {
  templateUrl: 'app/list/list.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'listCtrl',

  controller: function( swagSrvc, $state ) {
    // Our template can now access the swag by using {{ listCtrl.swag }}
    this.swag = swagSrvc.swag;

Next, let's assign a method called goToDetails that takes in an id parameter. This method should then call $state.go to send the user to the details route. If we take a look inside app/app.js we can see that the details route is expecting an id. When we build the details component, it will use this id to determine which swag object to display.

angular.module('swagShop').component('list', {
  templateUrl: 'app/list/list.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'listCtrl',

  controller: function( swagSrvc, $state ) {
    this.swag = swagSrvc.swag;

    this.goToDetails = function (id){
      $state.go('details', { id: id });


angular.module('swagShop').component('list', {
  templateUrl: 'app/list/list.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'listCtrl',

  controller: function( swagSrvc, $state ) {
    this.swag = swagSrvc.swag;

    this.goToDetails = function (id){
      $state.go('details', {id:id});

Step 4


In this step, we'll complete the template for the list.template.html and link the list component using a script tag in index.html.


  • Open app/list/list.template.html.
  • Locate the commented out section:
    • Render the swag component and be sure to include all its necessary bindings.
    • The swag component should use an ng-repeat for every swag object in swag on the controller.
    • The action label should equal 'details' and remember to include the swag's id for the action.
  • Open index.html.
  • Add a new script tag for the list component.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/list/list.template.html. The only thing we need to add to this template is the swag component. We'll also want to ng-repeat the component so that we can see all the swag available. Remember in step 1, we configured the component to have three bindings: item ( a swag object ), action ( a function ), and actionLabel ( a string ). Let's start by creating a skeleton of the ng-repeat.

<swag ng-repeat=""

In the last step, we assigned the swag array from the swag service onto swag. Therefore our ng-repeat would look like:

<swag ng-repeat="item in listCtrl.swag"

We can then simply put item into item.

<swag ng-repeat="item in listCtrl.swag"

In the last step, we assigned a method called goToDetails. This is our custom action for the swag component. We'll also want the action-label to be details.

<swag ng-repeat="item in listCtrl.swag"

Now that our template is setup, all we need to do is add a new script tag in index.html for the list component.

<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/list/list.component.js"></script>


<div class="list__parent">
  <div class="list__child">
    <span class="list__header">Browse Swag</span>
    <div class="list__swag-container">
      <swag ng-repeat="item in listCtrl.swag"
index.html ( script section only )
<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/list/list.component.js"></script>

Step 5


In this step, we'll create the details component. The details component is responsible for displaying all information about one piece of swag and also providing an option to add the swag to the user's cart.

Based on the router's configuration the details route is loaded with an id in the URL. We can use this id to scan the swag array in the swag service and find the swag object we need. We can then bind that swag object onto the controller so we can display its properties in the template.


  • Open app/details/details.component.js.
  • Create a skeleton of an Angular component.
    • Use swagShop as the application name.
    • Use detailsComponent as the component name.
      • If you use details as the name, the component will render as a details element.
  • Link the template into the component and set the component's controller as detailsCtrl.
  • Create a controller function:
    • This function should have the swag service, the cart service, and $stateParams injected into it.
    • Assign an array called swag that equals the swag array in the swag service.
    • Assign an object called item that equals the swag object with the same id as the id in the URL.
    • Assign a method called addToCart:
      • This method should have an item parameter.
      • This method should call the add method on the cart service and pass in item as an argument.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/details/details.component.js and create a skeleton of an Angular component.

angular.module('swagShop').component('detailsComponent', {


Just like we've done in the previous steps, let's link the template file, set the controller name as detailsCtrl, and also create a controller function. This controller function should have the swag service, $stateParams, and the cart service injected into it.

angular.module('swagShop').component('detailsComponent', {
  templateUrl: 'app/details/details.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'detailsCtrl',
  controller: function( swagSrvc, $stateParams, cartSrvc ) {


We need the swag service and $stateParams to determine which swag object to display. If we take a look at the router configuration ( app/app.js ) we can see that the details route has an id parameter. We can access this by using $ Using the id, we can find the index of the swag object and then assign the swag object onto this.item.

angular.module('swagShop').component('detailsComponent', {
  templateUrl: 'app/details/details.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'detailsCtrl',
  controller: function( swagSrvc, $stateParams, cartSrvc ) {
    this.swag = swagSrvc.swag;

    if ( $ ) {
      let itemIndex = this.swag.findIndex( item => === $ );
      this.item = this.swag[ itemIndex ];

The last thing we'll need to add is a method that can add the swag object to the cart. This is why we injected the cart service. If we take a look inside the cart service we can see it has an add method. Let's assign our own method called addToCart to the controller. This method should have an item parameter and then call the add method on the cart service with item as an argument.

angular.module('swagShop').component('detailsComponent', {
  templateUrl: 'app/details/details.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'detailsCtrl',
  controller: function( swagSrvc, $stateParams, cartSrvc ) {
    this.swag = swagSrvc.swag;

    if ( $ ) {
      let itemIndex = this.swag.findIndex( item => === $ );
      this.item = this.swag[ itemIndex ];

    this.addToCart = function( item ) {
      cartSrvc.add( item );


angular.module('swagShop').component('detailsComponent', {
  templateUrl: 'app/details/details.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'detailsCtrl',
  controller: function( swagSrvc, $stateParams, cartSrvc ) {
    this.swag = swagSrvc.swag;

    if ( $ ) {
      let itemIndex = this.swag.findIndex( item => === $ );
      this.item = this.swag[ itemIndex ];

    this.addToCart = function( item ) {
      cartSrvc.add( item );

Step 6


In this step, we'll complete the template for the details.template.html and link the details component using a script tag in index.html.

We won't be able to visually test that addToCart is working correctly. However, if you want to test it by using the console you can add a console.log( cartSrvc.currentCart() ); at the end of the method.


  • Open app/details/details.template.html.
  • Update the commented out sections to use the correct property from a swag object.
    • Hint: remember we bound the swag object on the controller property called item.
  • Update the button at the bottom of the template to use the addToCart method.
    • Hint: What properties are on the item object?
  • Open index.html.
  • Add a new script tag for the details component.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/details/details.template.html. Remember that in the previous step, we assigned the swag object we need onto this.item. This means we can access that object by using detailsCtrl.item. We already know what properties are on a swag object so this part becomes pretty easy. We also need to update the ng-click to call our method addToCart with the item as an argument.

<div class="detailed__parent">
  <div class="detailed__child">
    <h4 class="detailed__header">Details</h4>
    <div class="detailed__content">
      <div class="detailed__content-header">
        <h4>{{ detailsCtrl.item.title }}</h4>
        <span>${{ detailsCtrl.item.price }}</span>

      <div class="detailed__content-middle">
        <span>{{ detailsCtrl.item.size }}, {{ detailsCtrl.item.color }}</span>

      <div class="detailed__content-footer">
        <button ng-click="detailsCtrl.addToCart( detailsCtrl.item )">add to cart</button>

Then, just like we've done in the previous steps, we need to add a new script tag in index.html.

<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/list/list.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/details/details.component.js"></script>


<div class="detailed__parent">
  <div class="detailed__child">
    <h4 class="detailed__header">Details</h4>
    <div class="detailed__content">
      <div class="detailed__content-header">
        <h4>{{ detailsCtrl.item.title }}</h4>
        <span>${{ detailsCtrl.item.price }}</span>

      <div class="detailed__content-middle">
        <span>{{ detailsCtrl.item.size }}, {{ detailsCtrl.item.color }}</span>

      <div class="detailed__content-footer">
        <button ng-click="detailsCtrl.addToCart( detailsCtrl.item )">add to cart</button>
index.html ( script section only )
<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/list/list.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/details/details.component.js"></script>

Step 7


In this step, we'll build out the cart component. The cart component is responsible for displaying all swag that is currently in the cart or displaying that the cart is empty. It will also provide a user with the option to checkout, which in this case should empty the user's cart. This component will make use of the swag component to display the swag that is in the cart.

Remember that the swag component's action and action label are dynamic. On the cart view, we want the action to remove the swag from the cart and the label to be 'remove'.


  • Open app/cart/cart.component.js.
  • Create a skeleton of an Angular component.
    • Use swagShop as the application name.
    • Use cart as the component name.
  • Link the template into the component and set the component's controller as cartCtrl.
  • Create a controller function:
    • This function should have the cart service injected into it.
    • Assign an array called cart that equals the return of the currentCart method on the cart service.
    • Assign a method called total:
      • This method should calculate the total of all the swag in the cart and return the sum.
    • Assign a method called checkout:
      • This method should set the value of cart equal to the return of the checkout method on the cart service.
    • Assign a method called removeItem:
      • This method should have an index parameter ( the index of the swag in the cart array ).
      • This method should call the remove method on the cart service with index as an argument.

removeItem will act as the dynamic action that will be passed into the swag component. We'll see this happen in the next step.

Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/cart/cart.component.js and create a component skeleton.

angular.module('swagShop').component('cart', {


Just like we've done in the previous steps, let's link the template file, set the controller name as cartCtrl, and also create a controller function. This controller function should have the cart service injected into it.

angular.module('swagShop').component('cart', {
  templateUrl: 'app/cart/cart.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'cartCtrl',

  controller: function( cartSrvc ) {


This component will be responbile for displaying and updating the cart. We'll want to provide our template access to the cart, the cart's total, and all of the available methods in the cart service. It might help if you have the cart service open ( app/services/cart.service.js ) to see the methods. Let's start by assigning cart to the controller. cart should equal the current cart array. We can get that value by calling the currentCart method in the cart service.

angular.module('swagShop').component('cart', {
  templateUrl: 'app/cart/cart.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'cartCtrl',

  controller: function( cartSrvc ) {
    this.cart = cartSrvc.currentCart();

The next thing we'll need is a way to calculate the total. Let's assign a method called total that returns the sum of the prices of the swag in the cart.

angular.module('swagShop').component('cart', {
  templateUrl: 'app/cart/cart.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'cartCtrl',

  controller: function( cartSrvc ) {
    this.cart = cartSrvc.currentCart(); = function() {
      return this.cart.reduce((total, current ) => total + current.price, 0);

We'll then need a way for a user to checkout. When the checkout method is called on the service, it returns an empty cart. Knowing this we can create method on the controller that calls this method and sets its return value cart.

angular.module('swagShop').component('cart', {
  templateUrl: 'app/cart/cart.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'cartCtrl',

  controller: function( cartSrvc ) {
    this.cart = cartSrvc.currentCart(); = function() {
      return this.cart.reduce((total, current ) => total + current.price, 0);

    this.checkout = function() {
      this.cart = cartSrvc.checkout();

The last thing we'll need is the dynamic action for when we ng-repeat over the swag component in the next step. We'll need a method that can remove the swag from the cart. If we take a look inside the cart service, the remove method is expecting an index. So we'll need to have a parameter to capture the index.

angular.module('swagShop').component('cart', {
  templateUrl: 'app/cart/cart.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'cartCtrl',

  controller: function( cartSrvc ) {
    this.cart = cartSrvc.currentCart(); = function() {
      return this.cart.reduce((total, current ) => total + current.price, 0);

    this.checkout = function() {
      this.cart = cartSrvc.checkout();

    this.removeItem = function(index){


angular.module('swagShop').component('cart', {
  templateUrl: 'app/cart/cart.template.html',
  controllerAs: 'cartCtrl',

  controller: function( cartSrvc ) {
    this.cart = cartSrvc.currentCart(); = function() {
      return this.cart.reduce((total, current ) => total + current.price, 0);

    this.checkout = function() {
      this.cart = cartSrvc.checkout();

    this.removeItem = function(index) {

Step 8


In this step, we'll complete the template for the cart.template.html and link the cart component using a script tag in index.html.


  • Open app/cart/cart.template.html.
  • Update the Total Here comment to be the return of the total method.
  • Locate the two empty ng-if statements:
    • The first ng-if should display the div if there is something in the cart.
    • The second ng-if should display the div if there is nothing in the cart.
  • Locate the Swag Here comment:
    • Render the swag component and be sure to include all its necessary bindings.
    • The swag component should use an ng-repeat for every swag object in the cart.
      • This ng-repeat should also track by $index.
    • The action label should equal 'remove' and remember to include the $index for the action's argument.
  • Open index.html.
  • Add a new script tag for the cart component.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening app/cart/cart.template.html. There are two empty ng-if statements in this template. The first ng-if is responsible for showing the div when there is at least one item in the cart. The second ng-if is responsible for showing the div when there is nothing in the cart. Remember that in the last step we assigned the cart to cart.

<div ng-if="cartCtrl.cart.length > 0" class="cart__with-items">


<div ng-if="cartCtrl.cart.length === 0" class="cart__without-items">
  <span>Nothing in your cart</span>

The next thing we'll want to update is the total. Remember that the total is a function, so we'll need to invoke it to get the value.

<div class="cart__top-right">
  <span class="cart__total">Total: ${{ }}</span>
  <button class="cart__btn-checkout" ng-click="">checkout</button>

The last thing we'll want to add is an ng-repeat over the swag component. This will be just like how we've done it in the previous steps except we'll want to track the ng-repeat by $index. This will allow us to use $index as the argument for the removeItem method.

<div class="cart__bottom">
    ng-repeat="item in cartCtrl.cart track by $index"

Then, just like in the previous steps, we'll need to add the component as a new script tag in index.html.

<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/list/list.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/details/details.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/cart/cart.component.js"></script>


<div class="cart__parent">
  <div class="cart__child">
    <div ng-if="cartCtrl.cart.length > 0" class="cart__with-items">
      <div class="cart__top">
        <h4 class="cart__header">Cart</h4>
        <div class="cart__top-right">
          <span class="cart__total">Total: ${{ }}</span>
          <button class="cart__btn-checkout" ng-click="cartCtrl.checkout()">checkout</button>

      <div class="cart__bottom">
          ng-repeat="item in cartCtrl.cart track by $index"

    <div ng-if="cartCtrl.cart.length === 0" class="cart__without-items">
      <span>Nothing in your cart</span>
index.html ( script section only )
<!--Our Custom Script Files-->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/swag.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/services/cart.service.js"></script>
<script src="app/swag/swag.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/list/list.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/details/details.component.js"></script>
<script src="app/cart/cart.component.js"></script>


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© DevMountain LLC, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from DevMountain, LLC is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to DevMountain with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


An afternoon project to help solidify how to create AngularJS components.






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  • CSS 45.3%
  • HTML 31.8%
  • JavaScript 22.9%