This project takes the hyprdots setup to the next level by adopting Tmux and Lazyvim as the default choice, moving away from the traditional Visual Studio Code setup (gross).
- Arch Linux: Operating System
- Hyprland: Window Manager
- Kitty: Terminal
- Tmux: Terminal Multiplexer
- Zsh: Shell
- Neovim: Text Editor (Blazingly Fast)
- LazyVim: IDE
- Fira Code: Font
- Gruvbox: Colours
- paru: AUR helper
- vtop: System monitoring
- lolcat: Rainbow output
- bat: Cat clone with wings
- exa: Modern replacement for ls
- neovide: GPU accelerated Neovim client
- cava: Console-based Audio Visualizer
- tpm: Tmux Plugin Manager
- tmux-sensible: Basic tmux settings everyone can agree on
- tmux-pain-control: Plugin for controlling tmux pane resizing
- tmux-gruvbox: Gruvbox theme for tmux
- tmux-nerd-font-window-name: Plugin to display nerd font icons in tmux window names
- tmux-resurrect: Persists tmux environment
- tmux-continuum: Automatic tmux session persistence
- tmux-open: Plugin to open highlighted text in your default browser
- tmux-copycat: Enhances tmux search
- vi-mode: Vim key bindings for Zsh
- zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish shell-like syntax highlighting for Zsh
- zsh-256color: Enables 256 color support
- zsh-history-substring-search: Fish shell-like history search
- you-should-use: Suggests aliases for commands you might not know
- auto-notify: Notifies you when a process finishes
- colored-man-pages: Colorizes man pages
- zsh-autosuggestions: Suggests commands as you type
- zsh-completions: Additional completion definitions for Zsh
- zsh-completions: Additional completion definitions for Zsh
- Powerlevel10k: A highly customizable Zsh theme
- common-aliases: Useful aliases for Zsh
- git: Git aliases and functions
- sudo: Aliases and functions for sudo
- archlinux: Aliases and functions for Arch Linux
- prasanthrangan for this hyprdots
- Add my Custom keyboard config
- querty => orthogonal, 36-key layout
- emojis 😊