gpt-sw3-getting-started Public
A set of notebooks for loading and testing small and large gpt-sw3 LLM models
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 10, 2023 -
thegraph-intro Public
Getting started with TheGraph in Python
halogrants Public
Forked from iotexproject/halogrants👟 Apply for a IoTeX Halo Grant. Help build the IoTeX ecosystem!
MIT License UpdatedFeb 25, 2021 -
scaleout-studio-tutorial Public
Beginners guide and user tutorials for Scaleout studio
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 24, 2020 -
awesome-federated-learning Public
Forked from poga/awesome-federated-learninglist of resources for federated learning and privacy in machine learning
UpdatedDec 16, 2019 -
sl-quant Public
Companion code for the "Self Learning Quant" blog post
blackboxchallenge Public
Code for the machine learning competition at blackboxchallenge.com